Chapter 11

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The guards nodded and escorted Hiro to the waiting area. As they walked through the corridors, Hiro couldn't help but notice the intricate details of the estate's architecture. The woodwork was immaculate, with gold inlay in several places, and the paintings on the walls depicting scenes from Inazuma's history.

"Hello, my soon to be brother in law " A man entered the waiting room, he was tall and slender, with an air of authority about him. Hiro nodded in recognition, "Lord Jiro, it's good to see you again.

The two men bowed, "Sayuri is in my office I wanted to speak to you both"

Honma Jiro is the leader of the Honma Clan, he's the son of the late Lady Honma Saki and late Lord Honma Tsunayoshi and the eldest child of 5 siblings including Sayuri the youngest child.

Hiro is 39 years old twenty years older than Sayuri. Jiro became the noble leader a few months after she was born, his three brothers who are triplets and three years younger have been helping him take on the burden of leading the Honma Clan.

While his mother and father have retired and enjoy taking care of Sayuri. When she was only 4 years old they died in a boat wreck while travelling to Liyue Harbor for a vacation, a huge storm destroyed the boat they were on, and the bodies were never found. After that tragedy, Jiro and his wife Kamiko became Sayuri's guardians, raising her and their son Yuji who is a year younger than her.

They entered the office Sayuri was waiting for them, she was sitting on the sofa with a cup of tea in her hand, she looked up as they entered she stood up walk over to Hiro. "Hiro my love you came"

Hiro nodded and walked over to her, taking her hand in his. "Of course, I've been looking forward to this day for so long." He kissed her hand.


Sayuri's kimono the picture is not mine

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Sayuri's kimono the picture is not mine


Lord Jiro motioned for them to sit down, "I just wanted to discuss some details your mother and I spoke about your ceremony tomorrow and the wedding. Lord Hiro, you are aware that it is customary for the groom's family to pay a dowry to the bride's family?"

Hiro nodded, "Yes, Lord Jiro. I have already arranged for the dowry to be delivered before the ceremony."

Sayuri smiled warmly at Hiro, "Thank you, Hiro, I am so happy that we will be joining our families together." She glanced at her brother, Lord Jiro, "And I have every confidence that you will make an excellent leader of our combined households."

Lord Jiro nodded, his expression serious. "I will do my best to ensure that both of our families are well taken care of. Now, there are some final preparations to discuss. The ceremony will begin at sunrise tomorrow, and we should arrive at the Shine's temple an hour beforehand to ensure that everything is in order. The procession will be led by Lady Guuji, After you are declared as clan leader we will return to your place and celebrate including the engagement.

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