Chapter 53

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It was the day of the spring dance festival.

Momo was starting to wake up as Io entered the room. "Good Morning Lady Momo today is the day" she as she opened the curtains. Letting the sunlight enter the room. "There is a box that was delivered for you Milady I will go get it," Io said as she left the room.

Momo yawns and stretches slowly. She got out of bed and walked to the window as she looked outside. The garden was in full bloom, the flowers dancing in the gentle breeze. The spring air was filled with the sweet scent of cherry blossoms.

Io returned with a big box along with a letter."Here's the box for you, Milady. And this is a letter that came with it." She handed both to Momo. The box was elegantly wrapped in a red ribbon. The letter was addressed to Momo in a flowing, feminine script. Momo opened the letter with shaking hands, her heart beating fast.


Dear my beloved Momo,

With this gift, I hope to express my love and gratitude for you. This Kimono was my mother's,  it was a gift by my father as a symbol of their love. I want you to have it as a symbol of my love for you. See you soon my love.

Love Ayato


After she read it, Momo couldn't help but smile. She carefully unwrapped the box, revealing a beautiful light blue kimono with colourful flowers

The kimono was made of the finest silk. Momo teared up, touched by the gesture. She hugged the kimono to her chest. It was the most precious gift she had ever received.

 It was the most precious gift she had ever received

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Momo's Kimono, The picture is not mine


"Are you ok Milady" Io asked her. "I'm fine, just... thank you, for bringing this to me" Momo said, still sniffling. She took a deep breath to compose herself.

"No problem let's get you washed up," Io said as they headed to the bathroom as the bath was already drawn. She gets undressed and steps into the tub. She begins to wash herself as Io wets her hair and begins to wash it.

After she washes herself, Io helps her dry off. They went back to her bedroom, Momo stood by the mirror putting on her undergarments. Io picked up the light blue Kimono and put it on Momo.

Momo loves how the kimono fits her perfectly. Io went to pick out an obi that would match the kimono, she picked out a soft light gold obi. Io wrapped it around her waist and tied it in the back.

Momo teared up again as she looked at herself in the mirror. The kimono was beautiful, The light gold obi brought out the colour of the kimono's flowers, making her look like a living, breathing work of art. She couldn't believe that Ayato had given her such a beautiful gift. She can already feel the symbol of their love.

Momo took a deep breath and wiped her eyes as Io was about to do her makeup and hair. "I want to look pretty for him." She said softly. Io nodded, her expression soft and understanding. She began to gently apply natural-looking makeup, enhancing Momo's features without making her look overdone. Then, she brushed out Momo's long, silky hair, carefully styling it into a graceful updo. The final touch was a small, delicate flower tucked behind Momo's ear.

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