Chapter 24

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She uses her vision as glowing leaves flow to see through the trees. She saw the enemy move slowly but surely, like a predator about to pounce. Momo prepares her sword to defend and attack. The wind caresses her cheek as she moves as if the forest is telling her what to do. The enemy closed in, ready to strike.

In a blur of motion, Momo defends herself her sword dancing with the leaves. She counterattacked, aiming for a weak spot she had seen earlier. The blade of her sword met with the enemy sword, clashing with a resounding echo. The force of the impact sends a shockwave through the forest, making the trees shake.

Leafs surrounding her became a shield, protecting her from the enemy attack. The wind howls as they clash, sending leaves and dirt flying through the air. The forest trembles from the force of their battle.

Momo still feels the energy flowing through her. She used the momentum to strike back, her sword cutting through the air with a sharp whistle. The enemy dodged, but not fast enough. The tip of her sword grazes his arm, drawing blood.

Leaves turn into a shield, protecting her from the enemy attack. The wind howls as they clash, sending leaves and dirt flying through the air. The forest trembles from the force of their battle.  She used the momentum to strike back, her sword cutting through the air with a sharp whistle. The enemy dodged, but not fast enough. The tip of her sword grazes his arm, drawing blood.

Then leafs and petals flowed around her, she ran fast and attacked her enemy fast. The enemy tries to block but she is too fast. The forest trembles from their fast movement. The leaves and petals cover the sky, it looks like a storm. The wind howls as they clash, sending leaves and petals flying through the air.  

Leaves and petals attack her enemy, making it hard to see and breathe. Momo use this moment to strike, her sword moving like a blur of green and brown. The enemy tries to defend but she is too fast, her sword cuts through the air, hitting the enemy sword, making it fly away. The enemy stumbles back, shocked and hurt.

Momo takes a deep breath, feeling the dendro energy flowing through her. She closes her eyes, focusing on the battlefield, and the flow of energy around her. She uses her vision again to see through the leaves and petals, to anticipate the enemy's next move. The enemy regained its composure, charging at her again, sword raised high. 

Momo meets the attack with a calm determination, her sword dancing with the leaves and petals. The energy of the forest pulses through her veins, strengthening her resolve. She parries the enemy's attacks, using the momentum to strike back. The sword clashes again, sending shockwaves through the forest. The air is thick with tension, the sound of leaves rustling and petals crunching underfoot.

The battle rages on, neither side giving an inch. Momo feels the exhaustion setting in, her muscles burning with the effort. But she pushes through, drawing strength from the forest around her. 

She created a shield, deflecting the enemy's attacks while she regrouped. She waits for the perfect moment, sensing the shift in the enemy's stance, the flow of energy in the air. And when it comes, she strikes like a viper, her sword moving faster than the eye can see. The enemy's sword clatters to the ground, and their weapon

"Open your eyes, Momo. The battle is over." Her master said, Momo opened her eyes, she looked around her surroundings she was on the training ground, sweat dripping from her body, her sword on the ground. There was a destroyed dummy. 

A mixture of emotions coursing through her. Relief, exhaustion, pride. "Master what just happened?" Momo asked, "You have finally mastered the art of controlling the element of Dendro,  You have shown great strength, courage, and wisdom." Her master replied, his voice full of pride and affection.

Momo bowed her head in respect, "Thank you, master." She said, feeling a newfound sense of purpose and responsibility. "Now are you ready to face me?".  "Of course, Master" Momo said confidently, standing up straight

She picks up her wooden sword and stands in front of her master. She bowed her head to show her respect.

"Begin," her master said. They both took their stance, waiting for each other to make the first move. The air was thick with tension, the sound of their breathing loud in the silence. Momo starts to feel the energy flow through her, the power of Dendro coursing through her veins.

As the battle began, they circled each other, testing the other's strength and skill. Their wooden swords clashed with a sharp, metallic sound, sending shockwaves through the ground. Momo knew that this was no ordinary sparring match, but a test of her abilities, her master's way of preparing her for what lay ahead.

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