Chapter 55

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They follow Ayato inside and find their seats as Ayato goes backstage. Momo looks around the theatre and smiles. She can't help but feel proud of what the Kamisatos siblings have accomplished in reviving the theatre.

The lights went off, and the audience quieted as the curtains opened. The stage was set with traditional Inazumen decorations. Ayato and Ayaka were on stage. "Ladies and Gentlemen, for the first time in 11 years welcome to the spring dance festival," Ayato said as he and Ayaka bowed. The audience clapped and cheered.

Ayaka's Kimono, the picture is not mine

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Ayaka's Kimono, the picture is not mine


Ayaka spoke next, her voice melodic and captivating. "Today, we are here to celebrate the beauty of our culture and the hard work that has gone into preserving it. What you will see is not just mere entertainment, but a living testament to our heritage. They have been passed down from generation to generation, each Maiko and Geisha had added their unique interpretation while remaining true to the traditional form".

"We want to bring out the three guests of honours who sponsored in helping us in reviving The Kamisato Theatre, let's bring them out," Ayato said. Three Geishas came on stage one of them being Saki.

"Thank you for inviting us to be your guest of honour tonight. We are truly honoured to be here and to witness the revival of this magnificent theatre," Saki said with a bow. The audience applauded politely.

Saki and the two Geisha's spoke of their love for the theatre and their appreciation for the work that had gone into its restoration. They praised the Kamisato siblings for their dedication.

As the Geisha's went backstage, Ayato and Ayaka told the crowd to enjoy the show. They left the stage and went to their seats, Ayato sat beside Momo. 

A group of Maiko and Geisha enter the stage, as the music starts to play. They dance in perfect harmony, their movements graceful and fluid. Their traditional Inazumen attire sways with each step, their intricate hairstyles bobbing to the rhythm. The audience is transfixed, lost in the beauty of the dance.

As the dance progresses, the performers weave in and out of each other's paths, their movements becoming more complex. The traditional inazumen instruments, such as the shamisen, taiko, and shakuhachi, fill the air with haunting melodies that seem to flow directly from the soul. The colours of their kimonos blend in a kaleidoscope of reds, yellows, blues, and greens, reflecting the vibrancy of the festival outside.

The dancers move with such grace and precision that it's hard to believe they aren't floating across the stage. Their expressions are serene, yet full of emotion, conveying a sense of timelessness that transcends language and culture.

The audience is spellbound, lost in the beauty of the performance.

As the dance reaches its climax, the dancers form a large circle, their hands clasped together, and their eyes locked on each other. They sway in unison, their movements becoming faster and more intense. The music reaches a fever pitch, and the audience holds its breath, waiting for the moment when they will burst into applause.

Finally, after what feels like an eternity, the dancers disperse, bowing deeply to the audience. The applause is thunderous, echoing through the theatre as the crowd rises to its feet in appreciation.

The next dance performance tells a story about the history of the theatre. It begins with a lone Geisha walking on stage, her movements graceful and serene. She is dressed in traditional all-black attire, symbolizing her role as a shaman who has come to communicate with the spirits of the theatre. As she begins to dance, her movements become more dramatic, her hands gesturing wildly in the air, her body twisting and contorting as if possessed by an otherworldly force.

The music grows louder, the traditional Inazumen instruments filling the air with a haunting melody that sends shivers down the spines of the audience. The Geisha's movements become more fluid, and more controlled as if she is channelling the spirits of the theatre itself. She spins and leaps across the stage, her long, flowing sleeves swirling around her like ethereal wings.

A group of Maiko's enter the stage, joining the performance. They dance in perfect harmony, their movements mirroring the Geisha's, their expressions filled with awe and reverence. The story unfolds before the audience's eyes, as the dancers reenact the struggles and triumphs of the theatre through the ages. They dance through wars and famines, through times of great joy and deep sorrow, their movements conveying the resilience and strength of the human spirit.

The Inazumen instruments continue to play, their melodies weaving in and out of each other, creating a rich tapestry of sound. The Maiko's and the Geisha's kimonos shimmer in the dim light, their colours vibrant against the backdrop of the stage. As the dance reaches its climax, the audience is transfixed, unable to take their eyes off the performers.

The next performance is a story of love and betrayal, told through the traditional art of Noh drama. A lone Geisha steps onto the stage, her movements deliberate and statuesque. She plays the role of the heroine, whose love for a noble lord is tested when she discovers his infidelity. The background music is played by a single shamisen, its haunting melody echoing through the theatre.

The noble lord, played by a Geisha, enters, his movements graceful yet commanding. His expression is one of arrogance and self-importance, as he believes himself to be untouchable. They dance around each other, their movements full of tension and longing. The audience is captivated by their story, held in suspense as they await the inevitable moment when the truth about the noble lord's infidelity is revealed.



The characters in this chapter are owned by Hoyoverse

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