Chapter 54

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The spring dance festival was in full swing in the entertainment district, with colourful lanterns hanging from the trees, cherry blossom petals falling like snowflakes, and traditional Inazumen music filling the air. Saki, Madoka and other Maiko's and Geisha's were standing outside The Kamisato Theatre as Fontaine's Steambird journalists and photographers were taking pictures and interviewing them.

Madoka was nervous as they were taking pictures. Saki was wearing a pink kimono, while Madoka was in a green one. Their hair was done up elegantly, and wearing their traditional white makeup. As they waited for their turn to take a picture. "Don't be nervous just smile" Saki said to her. "I can't help it, I have never done this before" Madoka replied with a shaky voice.

 "I can't help it, I have never done this before" Madoka replied with a shaky voice

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Saki's Kimono, The picture is not mine


Madoka's Kimono, the picture is not mine

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Madoka's Kimono, the picture is not mine.


Their turn finally came and they posed for the picture, trying their best to look confident and beautiful. The photographer took a few shots and then moved on to the next group.

"Saki hello again" Charlotte came up to Saki and Madoka. "Charlotte how are you doing?" Saki greeted her with a smile. "I'm doing well, thank you for asking who is this" The journalist asked pointing at Madoka. "Oh this is Madoka, she's a second-year Maiko, it means Geisha apprentice" Saki explained. "Pleasure to meet you," Madoka said shyly.

"Hello Madoka I'm Charlotte I'm a journalist for the Steambird in Fontaine" She continues "I interviewed Saki the last time I was here and I was hoping to get your perspective on the festival and your experience as a Maiko" She explained as she took out her pen and note

Madoka was a bit taken aback, she didn't expect to be interviewed. She glanced over at Saki, who nodded encouragingly. Taking a deep breath, she composed herself and replied, "Well, I'm honoured to be interviewed. The festival is truly amazing. It's a celebration of spring and our culture. As a Maiko, it's especially meaningful for me because it's a time to showcase our art and traditions. The atmosphere is electric, with so many people coming together to enjoy the music, dance, and beauty of it all."

Charlotte scribbled down some notes, her gaze intent on Madoka. "And how do you feel about being Maiko? What does it mean to you?" she asked. Madoka hesitated for a moment, searching for the right words. "Being a Maiko is more than just a job. It's a way of life. It's about making connections with people from all walks of life. It's about finding beauty in the simplest of things and learning to appreciate the art of living well."

Saki nodded in agreement. "Madoka has truly found her calling in being a Maiko. She has a natural talent for it, and she works hard to perfect her skills"

"Are you currently taking her under your wing?" Charlotte asked

"Oh yes, of course. I see a lot of potential in Madoka. She has a bright future ahead of her, and I'm honoured to be her mentor. I have two other girls as well, Cho has started her training and Gina who is 10 years old has a long way ahead" Saki said with a proud smile.

Charlotte nodded, jotting down more notes. "Last question you and two other Geisha who help sponsor the funds for The Kamisatio Theatre are being the guest of honours as well as performing what can you tell us about that?"

Saki smiled. "Yes, that's correct. Madoka and I will be performing a traditional dance together The dance is called the butterfly dance. It's a beautiful dance that symbolizes the transformation of a caterpillar into a butterfly. The dance itself is very graceful and elegant, with intricate movements and subtle gestures. As for being the guest of honour, it means that we are being recognized for our contributions to the festival and our efforts to preserve our culture. It's a great honour, and we're very grateful for the opportunity."

Charlotte seemed impressed by their answers. "Can take a picture of both of you?" she asked them. They agreed, and they posed for the kamera the journalist snapped a few shots and thanked them.

An inazumen photographer walks towards them and takes a few pictures of them. "You are looking so beautiful ladies," he said with a soft voice. "Thank you" they replied in unison.

Cho and Gina walk up to them, both wearing a yakata. "You look stunning!" Cho exclaimed. Gina nodded in agreement, her eyes wide with wonder.

"Thank you, dear," Saki replied, patting the younger girl's head gently. "Now Cho I need you to stay with Gina at all times and stay where you are sitting until we come to get you after the festival is over," Saki told Cho. Cho nodded and looked at Gina who was holding her hand.

Momo and Ayato arrived at the theatre, he helped her out of the rickshaw and walked with her to the Theatre's entrance.

Madoka spotted them "Madam Saki there here," she said pointing at Momo and Ayato. Saki smiled and waved them over. "Oh, there they are. Come along girls." They walked over to Momo and Ayato, exchanging greetings and pleasantries.

"Hello Lord Ayato and Lady Momo it's been a while," Saki said with a polite bow. Momo returned the bow and smiled "Yes it has been a while. I hope you've been well, Hello girls, Madoka you look beautiful"

"Thank you Lady Momo, you look lovely as always" Madoka replied. Cho and Gina said there hello to them. "Thank you for inviting me as your guest of honour," Saki said

Ayato nodded "Your welcome Saki, your contribution to reviving The Kamisato Theatre is commendable and we are looking forward to seeing you perform"

Saki and the girls are told to see them later as she and Madoka have to go backstage while the other two find their seats.

Momo and Ayato stayed outside to wait for Hiro and Sayuri to arrive. A minute later a rickshaw arrived, that Hiro and Sayuri were on, they waved at Momo and Ayato as they got off and walked towards them.

"I hope you weren't waiting for too long," Hiro said to them."No, not at all, brother. We were just enjoying the sights," Momo replied. "It's always wonderful to see the traditions being preserved."

"Let's head inside, Ayaka is backstage, we're going on stage to say a few words before the festival starts, your seats are in the front row," Ayato said to them.



The characters in this chapter are owned by Hoyoverse

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