Chapter 16 (Mature)

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Warning: Smut 

The memory was still raw for her, even after all these years. They could see her son's determined expression, his pale face, and the way he would struggle to breathe. It was clear that he was in a great deal of pain, but he never once complained.

Hiromi remembered when Jun told her and Nanami that he was dying it was the worst news of her life.



Hiromi and Nanami were waiting for Jun to return from seeing the family doctor.

When he finally came back his face was pale he was striding, he sat down next to them.

"Mother and Nanami I got some bad news," he said as he took a deep breath. "The doctor said... I don't have much time left." The words hung in the air, heavy with the weight of their implications.

Hiromi felt as if her heart had stopped. She couldn't believe what she was hearing. Tears streamed down her face as she reached out to take her son's hand. "Oh, my dear boy...," she whispered, her voice shaking. "Why? Why must this happen to you?"

Nanami, too, was stunned into silence. She looked at her husband, her eyes filled with disbelief and pain. "Jun... my love," she managed to choke out. "I... I don't know what to say."

"The illness... " Jun explained, his voice strained, "It's not important how I contracted it. What matters now is that I have to face it. Mother, Nanami... I want you both to promise me something." His gaze locked onto theirs, "Please don't tell everyone not even the kids just not yet"

Hiromi and Nanami exchanged glances, tears streaming down their faces. They knew how much their husband and son loved them, and how much he wanted to protect them from this pain. "Of course, Jun," Hiromi said softly. "We won't say anything. We'll keep this between us." Nanami nodded in agreement.

"How long do you have left" Nanami asked him. "The doctor didn't say anything specific," he said

Jun took another deep breath and tried to smile. "That's the thing, my dear. The illness is progressing quickly, but the doctor can't predict exactly how much time I have left. All I know is that I want to spend every moment with you and the children." His voice broke as he spoke, and tears filled his eyes. Nanami hugged him tightly, her body shaking with sobs while Hiromi sat there in shock she was losing her son her secondborn.


End of flesh back.

Hiro and the others listened to his grandmother, feeling a mixture of emotions as she painted a vivid picture of the final days of his father's life.

"In the end, he passed away peacefully, surrounded by those he loved most. The funeral was attended by other clans, who came to pay their respects to an amazing man. Even The Raiden Shogun sent a letter, expressing her condolences and praising your father's dedication to the betterment of society."

As the story unfolded, the siblings found themselves lost in memories of their father. They remembered the countless times he had read to them, the wisdom he had imparted, and the unconditional love he had shown them. They recalled the way he would tuck them in at night, whispering words of encouragement and hope into their ears.

"We didn't mean to bring up such sad memories, O Bāchan," Hiro said, his voice soft. "But it's important for us to remember him, to keep his spirit alive. We're all here because of what he taught us, and we must honour that."

"It's ok dear," Grandmother said with a gentle smile. "Those memories are precious to us. And you're right, we must honour your father's memory by carrying on his work. He would be proud of all of you for becoming such strong, independent adults. You have all inherited his intelligence, his courage, and his compassion."

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