Chapter 37

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Top picture is Sachiko/Kiku

At a private teahouse, a geisha and maiko were dancing for a customer. The geisha was wearing a traditional red and black kimono, her movements fluid and graceful as she glided across the polished wooden floor.

The maiko, younger and less experienced, wore a more subdued purple kimono, her steps slightly less assured but no less beautiful. Their faces were painted with traditional geisha makeup, their lips a deep crimson and their eyes accentuated with black eyeliner.

The customer was a man with long black hair wearing glasses his outfit was more sleek and formed a black and purple business suit, he's not from Inazuma.

As they finished the dance the geisha and maiko bowed deeply, "A beautiful dance as always Kiku, you and your Maiko here never fail  to impress" The customer praised.

Kiku sat across from the customer "I did my little performance Pantalone now we talk business, Madoka head back to the house now" She said "Yes Madam" as Madoka bowed deeply and made her way out of the teahouse, her kimono swaying gently behind her.

"I must say, Kiku, your performance was indeed quite moving. The grace and poise that you and your maiko display is a testament to your training and dedication."

Pantalone, also known by his codename "Regrator, is the Ninth of the Eleven Fatui Harbingers who is currently in charge of Snezhnaya's economic policies and is the wealthiest of all the Harbingers.

 Pantalone, also known by his codename "Regrator, is the Ninth of the Eleven Fatui Harbingers who is currently in charge of Snezhnaya's economic policies and is the wealthiest of all the Harbingers

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"Enough small talk, you know what I want " Kiku interrupted with a knowing smirk.

"Oh course Sachiko, the Black Dahlia funds have already been sent to your brother, just as you've asked." Pantalone paused, taking a sip of the green tea that had been served to them.

"So I heard your clan's rouni's failed to get the flame lily as will fail to kill Jun's kids thats sad," he said with a mocking tone.

Kiku raised an eyebrow,  her expression neutral. "It seems you have been keeping up with the news, Harbinger."

"Of course I do, And I must say, I am disappointed in your clan's failure. I'd hate to see you all become irrelevant in the big scheme of things." Pantalone leaned back, steepling his fingers together.

"Are you done," she said  with a grin, not showing any weakness. "I know your game, You're not here to give advice or show sympathy. You're here to see how much you can squeeze out of us."

"No of course not, I came to offer you a deal, only you Sachiko," he said with a slight chuckle.

Kiku raised an eyebrow, intrigued by the offer. Pantalone continued, "I've been watching you, Sachiko. You're a smart girl, and you're not afraid to get your hands dirty.

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