Chapter 23

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Later in the evening, Momo enters the training grounds, she has her wooden sword and dendro vision attached to her slash, her sword teacher is here. "Lady Momo just in time," he said to her "Good evening master" as she kneeled before him. "Your skills have been improving steadily, but you still lack focus. Your mind wanders too easily during training. Today, we will work on concentration exercises. Please close your eyes and clear your mind."

"Yes Master" Momo replied and closed her eyes, taking a deep breath. She felt her teacher's presence, his energy surrounding her. She focused on her breathing, inhaling slowly and exhaling even more slowly. 

She tried to ignore any distractions around her, the sounds of the wind, and the movement of the leaves. She imagined herself in a peaceful, serene place, where nothing could disturb her concentration.

Now hear my voice" he said as he cleared his throat.

"I am your sword. I am your teacher. I am your guide. I will show you the path to focus and discipline. Concentrate on my voice, let it flow through you, and become one with it. Feel the weight of my words, the power they hold. With each breath you take, let go of distractions and doubts. Let your mind become a blade, sharp and unwavering."

As Master spoke, Momo felt her mind becoming clearer, her concentration sharper. She focused on his voice, letting it wash over her like a soothing balm. She imagined the words as strands of light, guiding her deeper into herself, into the core of her being.

 She felt the weight of responsibility that came with being a member of the Matsumoto Clan, the expectations placed upon her shoulders. But with each breath, she let go of these burdens, letting them float away like leaves on a gentle breeze.

Her mind became a still, reflective pool, undisturbed by the chaos of the world around her. She felt a sense of calm and serenity wash over her as if she were floating on a cloud. In this state, she could feel the energy flowing through her body. 

The power that came from mastering her mind. It was a sensation unlike anything she had ever experienced before, and it filled her with a sense of awe and wonder.

As Master continued to speak, guiding her deeper into herself, she found that her focus became almost effortless. She could hear the wind rustling through the trees, the leaves crunching beneath her feet, but they no longer distracted her. They were simply part of the background, like the beating of her heart or the rise and fall of her breath. She was fully present, fully engaged, and fully in control.

"Now keep your eyes closed and visualize your sword. See it before you, gleaming in the light. Feel its weight in your hand. Imagine yourself drawing it, swinging it through the air, striking with precision and power. 

With every movement, feel the focus and discipline that you have cultivated flow through you, guiding your actions. You are the sword, and the sword is an extension of your will. It obeys your every command, bends to your whim."

As Master's voice echoed in her mind, Momo could vividly see her sword before her. The polished steel shimmered in the nonexistent light, the intricate design etched into its surface shining with an inner radiance.

She gripped the hilt, feeling its familiar weight in her hand. With a fluid motion, she drew the blade from its sheath, the sound of metal sliding against wood filling the air. She swung it through the air, the wind whistling past her face as the sword cut through the stillness. Each movement was precise and controlled, each strike delivered with unwavering focus and power.

In this state of heightened concentration, she felt as if she could defy the laws of physics as if the sword were an extension of her own will, a conduit for her innermost emotions and desires. Her mind was a razor-sharp blade, capable of slicing through the chaos and confusion of the world, leaving behind only clarity and purpose.

The air around Momo crackled with energy as she continued to practice her swordsmanship, each movement flowing seamlessly into the next. She could feel her connection to the blade growing stronger as if they were two halves of a whole, destined to be together. 

Her breathing slowed, becoming deep and rhythmic, each inhale filling her lungs with fresh air, each exhale releasing tension and anxiety.

"There you go, Momo," Master said, his voice a gentle rumble. "You are beginning to understand the true nature of the sword. It is not just a tool for fighting, but an extension of yourself. A reflection of your mind and heart. Now, let's put this into practice. Imagine that you are facing an enemy. Visualize them before you, their stance, their movements. Feel the tension in the air, the weight of their gaze upon you. You are the center of their attention, and they are the center of yours."

As Momo focused on Master's words, she could almost feel the presence of an enemy before her. She could sense their movement, their intentions, their strengths and weaknesses. She felt the weight of their gaze, the tension in the air between them. 

In this moment, she was the sword, and the sword was her. There was no separation between her mind and her body, no distance between herself and her enemy. She was fully attuned to the battlefield, ready to strike at a moment's notice.

"Try to use your vision to perceive their movements," Master suggested, "to anticipate their attacks before they even begin. See the flow of energy in the air around them, and sense the shift in their balance as they prepare to strike. You are the eye of the storm, Momo, the calm center amid chaos. Stay focused, stay disciplined, and trust your instincts."

As Momo concentrated on her enemy, the world around her seemed to fade into the background. All that remained was the dance of steel and wood, the tension in the air, and the unspoken language of movement and countermovement. 

She felt the energy flowing through her, like a life force of nature coursing through her veins. 


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