Chapter 69

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As they left Grand Bazaar as headed back up to Sumeru City, they went to buy food ingredients for tonight's dinner. They found rice, shrimp and vegetables. They went back to the cottage and started to cook dinner. "This is a good day Kimi," Chika said while helping Kimi cook. "Yes mother it is," Kimi said.

They ate dinner together. Afterward, they head back to the Zubayr Theater to watch "The Jewel of the Great Red Sand" play. They took their seats. The theatre was magnificent, with its intricately carved walls and opulent decorations. 

The stage was set with an elaborate backdrop of a palace, complete with towering spires and glimmering lights. The orchestra began to play the overture, and the audience grew silent, anticipation filling the air.

The play begins with the death of Nefertiti's father, the king. She faced the challenge of ruling her people, a task that seemed impossible to her. As the story unfolded, Nilou watched intently from her seat, a small smile playing on her lips.

The actors were talented and the costumes were exquisite.

As the story progressed, Nilou could see the determination growing within Nefertiti. Despite the doubts and fears that plagued her, she began to take steps towards ruling her kingdom, learning from the wise advisors and generals who had served her father. 

There were moments of humour and lightness interspersed among the more dramatic scenes, reminding the audience that even in the face of great adversity, there is always hope and beauty to be found.

The play reached its climax when Nefertiti faced her greatest challenge yet, an invading army led by a ruthless warlord who sought to claim her kingdom for his own. With courage and cunning, she defeated the enemy and restored peace to her people. 

The audience erupted into applause as Nefertiti's actress took her final bow, her newfound confidence shining through every movement.

Nilou applauded along with the rest of the crowd, her eyes shining with tears. The story had touched her deeply, reminding her of her journey as a dancer, actress and a woman. As she looked over at Kimi and her family, she could see the same emotions reflected in their faces.

After the final curtain call, they all filed out of the theatre, still caught up in the magic of the performance. Nilou spotted Kimi and her family amidst the crowd, exchanging excited whispers and beaming smiles. 

She approached them, her heart filled with gratitude for their presence and support. "Kimi, it means so much to me that you and your family could come tonight," she said. "The Jewel of the Great Red Sand is one of my favourite stories, and I'm so glad that you enjoyed it as much as I did."

"Oh, Nilou, it was truly an amazing experience!" Kimi exclaimed, her eyes shining with admiration. "The story was so inspiring, and the actors were incredible. I can't thank you enough for inviting us." Yasuhiro added, squeezing Nilou's hand in appreciation.

They continued to walk and talk about the play, discussing their favourite scenes and quoting lines from the dialogue. Momo, who had been silent for most of the evening, finally spoke up. "I liked how Nefertiti learned from her mistakes and grew stronger," she said thoughtfully.

"Yes, that was one of the most important lessons in the story," Nilou agreed. "No matter how difficult our circumstances may be, we always have the power to shape our destinies."

Back at the cottage, everyone was sleeping except for Momo. She was outside the school property sitting on a big vine branch looking at the view of Sumeru city. She had been thinking about the play and the message that Nilou had told her about. "No matter how difficult our circumstances may be, we always have the power to shape our destinies." Momo thought

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