Chapter 19

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As the ceremony ended, the crowd began to disperse, congratulating Hiro and Sayuri on their engagement. Momo beaming with pride, hugged her brother tightly, thanking him for always looking out for her. "I couldn't have asked for a better twin," she said, her voice catching with emotion.

Sayuri turned to Momo, tears welling up in her eyes. "You've always been there for me too, Momo. I don't know what I'd do without you." They embraced tightly, As they pulled apart, Hiro wrapped his arm around them, feeling a sense of completion and belonging that he had never experienced. "Hey, can we join in?" Yasuhiro said he, Yuji and Kimi appeared at their side. "It's not a party without us." They all laughed, grateful for the lighthearted moment amidst the gravity of the occasion.

Momo somehow spotted Ayato and his sister Ayaka just outside of the shrine. They were both smiling and waving at her. Momo then decided to excuse herself and walk over to them.

 "Hey, you two," she said with a bright smile. "I thank you for coming."

Ayato and Ayaka both grinned back at her. "We wouldn't miss it for the world," Ayato replied. "Congratulations to your brother and his new wife-to-be. They seem like a nice couple."

"They are," Momo said, beaming with pride.

As they continue to talk, Momo reveals to Ayato and Ayaka her newfound confidence and independence, which she credits to Hiro. "Before this," she explained, "I always felt like I had to live up to everyone's expectations. You know, as the older twin, the one who should be more responsible. But Hiro never made me feel that way. He has treated me like my own person, valued my opinions, and encouraged me to be who I am."

Ayato nodded thoughtfully, his gaze drifting over to the shrine where Hiro and Sayuri were talking with their guests. "That's beautiful," he said softly. "It's rare to find people who are so understanding and supportive, especially in our clans."

Momo blushed slightly but was pleased that Ayato seemed to appreciate her feelings. "Yeah," she said, smiling. "It's been a bit of a journey, but I feel like I've finally found my place. And I know it's not just because of them, but because of everything we've all been through together. The bonds between us clan members are stronger than ever."

"Say do you, Hiro and his fiancee want to come to our estate sometime?" Ayato asked, a warm smile on her face. "That sounds lovely," Momo replied, returning his smile.

Hiro and Sayuri finished their conversation with the guests and made their way over to where Momo was standing with Ayato and Ayaka. "Hey, we were just talking about you two," Momo said, linking arms with them. "They were inviting us to come visit their estate sometime. What do you think?" Momo asked Hiro and Sayuri with a playful grin.

"That sounds lovely," Sayuri chimed in. "I'm Honma Sayuri Hiro's fiancee, It's a pleasure to meet you both." They both bowed their heads slightly in greeting. "And I would be delighted to visit your estate sometime."

Hiromi and Nanami watching Momo, Hiro and Sayuri chatting with Ayato and Ayaka.

"Momo looks happy," Hiromi said with a smile.

"Yes, she does," Nanami replied. "And I'm glad she's found a place where she feels so comfortable and supported." They watched as Momo laughing, her bright brown eyes sparkling in the sunlight.

"Do you think that she will marry Lord Ayato?" Hiromi asked as she watched Momo laugh with Ayato and Ayaka.

Nanami thought for a moment before replying, "I don't know, it's possible. They seem to get along quite well. He does want to marry her, that's what he told me" she said with a small smile.

Hiromi nodded, watching as Momo's laughter filled the air. "She deserves to be happy," she said softly. "And it's clear that she's found a home here, with Hiro and all of you."

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