97: Smiles Like Gasoline

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^^^***Azriel concept art included***^^^

"What...in the hell...are you doing here?" Danny asked with anger in his voice, still mixed with a little fear, although there was a strong chance that would never go away. Damien sighed as he stood there with his arms crossed.

"The Chairman called me into her office and told me to come here. I guess she thought you guys couldn't handle this on your own." Damien trailed off a bit as he looked over at the gathering a few feet away. They were all still distracted with their conversation and hadn't noticed Damien yet. Damien however, noticed the blood on various people's clothes and the tired looks in their eyes. "Seems like she was correct." He said passively, but restrained a small smirk. Danny's jaw clenched in frustration.

"Damien?" Soul's voice made Danny tense slightly while Damien remained deadpan. She walked up next to Danny and stared at her brother with a confused expression. "What are you doing here?"

"Elizabeth sent him, I guess. Maybe we're being punished for something." Danny said flatly as he side-eyed Damien.

"Cute." Damien muttered sarcastically after he made a slightly irritated face. Soul rolled her eyes subtly, she should've guessed that they wouldn't get along. Honestly, it seemed naive to think they would get along right away anyway, if at all. "Before you whine and tell me to leave, I don't exactly have a choice but to be here and help." Damien paused and reached down slightly, he grabbed his pant leg on his thigh and pulled it up as he presented his foot. Danny and Soul looked down and their eyes widened in unison, Damien had a tracking bracelet on his ankle. "She still doesn't exactly trust me yet."

"Well, you can exactly blame her." Danny snapped in an irritated tone, clearly extremely displeased with having to work with him. Danny turned and walked back towards the others without saying another word to Damien as he watched with an annoyed glare. Once Danny reached the rest of his friends, he saw that they all had a mixed range of emotions after finally noticing the backup they were given.

"Great. What is Elizabeth thinking, sending him here?" Kyle complained openly, not giving a damn what Damien thought.

"She is thinking that other pink haired brat is more of a problem than you people realize." Damien started as he approached the group with his arms crossed across his chest. Kyle growled softly at his passive insult. "Azriel managed to assist in completely overthrowing the Erebus Mafia, a feat which should've been impossible. He managed to outsmart me-" Damien's eyes narrowed on Nyx. "-and you, into thinking that he was nothing more than a strange Gifted brat. When in reality, he is the furthest thing from. He bided his time and stayed hidden until the biggest threat to him, was dead." Nyx stiffened. "He managed to steal away your greatest asset to use her against you. The moment he heard about the bounty on Nathan's head, he took advantage and tried to snuff out the second biggest threat to him. Azriel is not to be underestimated." Damien spoke sternly and was met with silence after his speech concluded.

Nyx stepped forward, "Okay, fine. You're right." She said through a gentle sigh. Nate looked over at her for a moment, he knew that a fighter as strong as Damien would surely be useful, but he still didn't trust him around Nyx. Not for one second.

"I want this brat gone just like all of you do." Damien said flatly as he kept his arms crossed. Nyx turned around and looked at her friends to try and gauge their feelings on the matter.

Nate looked concerned.
Soul looked slightly hopeful.
Danny looked angry, so did Rhys.
Nerissa looked scared, but tried to hide it.
Jaya looked neutral.
Kyle looked... slightly somber, which confused Nyx, but she didn't comment on it. "Alright, let's get on with it."

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