85: Catalyst

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A black car with tinted windows came to a stop in a residential district in the slums. Three people stepped out of that car, Nyx, Soul, and Danny. After Danny had told Elizabeth about the premonition he had, she only allowed agents to operate in teams of three. Nate wasn't allowed to leave the premises unless there was no other option because of the high bounty on his head and he was upset about it to say the least. Soul caught wind of Danny's dream and revealed that she knew someone who could be of great help in getting them prepared. Soul led the group into the narrow alley, where they all could quickly feel the gauntlet of stares yet again. Danny was sweating a bit, remembering the last time he was in this part of town. So he had his hood up and mask on with his head down hide his identity as much as possible. Nyx and Soul had their hoods up and masks on as well.

Soul turned left and led them down an alley that was much more narrow. "Hey, uh, Soul?" Soul turned to head to look at Danny when he spoke. "Who exactly are we going to meet?"

"An old friend of mine, her name is Eve. Her Gift will be a huge asset, if we can convince her to come back with us." Soul responded as they continued to walk down the alley.

"Why wouldn't she come back with us?" Nyx asked her in a confused tone.

"She doesn't exactly like authority very much, that's why she lives in this shit hole." Soul answered with the disgust evident in her voice.

"Hm, she sounds fun." Nyx said with a sarcastic tinge before Soul came to a stop. It was a dark door that had a small sign above it labeled "Eve's Lounge".

"This is the place." Soul said before she pushed open the door and stepped inside while Danny and Nyx followed. It was a small room that looked like a grungy bar, there was a tattoo chair off in one corner as well. The group's attention was taken when they heard a woman yell out.

"Ain't no way, Soul?!" The girl yelled out in surprise, she had lilac purple hair, long and layered to give it lots of life. Her eyes were piercing red, not unlike Nate's eyes when he was controlling someone, but they weren't glowing. She was wearing a baggy white band tank with a leather jacket over it. "I thought you were in prison?!" She asked as she finished wiping down the bar she was standing behind.

Soul smirked softly before stepping forward and sitting down on one of the barstools. "I was, but thanks to an extremely long story involving Damien, we managed to escape."

Eve raised her eyebrows in surprise for a moment before looking over at Nyx. "Hey, blue eyes, you mind locking the front door?" She asked Nyx, who followed her request and sat down at the bar next to Soul as Danny sat down on the opposite side of Soul. Each of them lowered their hoods and masks after they knew they were safe in a secure location. "First things first, who are these new peeps you brought with you?" Eve asked as she reached under the bar and pulled out four small glasses before beginning to fill them with a small amount of scotch in each.

Soul thanked Eve when she passed out the drinks to each of them and one for herself, "This is Danny and Nyx. They're both Gifted as well, you actually might already...know Nyx." Soul looked down and swirled her drink a bit before taking a sip. When Eve looked at her with a confused look, Nyx spoke up.

"Infinity." Nyx said after she had taken a sip of her own drink. Eve's head whipped to Nyx and she looked surprised.

"Oh, no way! The infamous Infinity in my lounge? And here I thought you were dead." Eve said candidly, Danny and Soul both tensed.

"She was." Danny spoke up and took Eve's attention. "Soul's brother arranged for her to be brought back from the grave." Danny sounded somber and still slightly sickened at the mere thought. He took a hearty drink of his scotch.

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