24: Regret

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When Danny left the bathroom after showering and putting his clothes on, he saw Nyx was already dressed, sitting on the bed with her legs criss crossed and she was looking into her lap. Danny walked over and sat down next to her and rested his elbows on his knees.

"Okay, when I was in the shower...some of the night started to come back to me." Danny said as he slightly tilted his head towards her. "I remember all of us drinking in the warehouse, then a few of us decided to go back out to the festival. I think it was me, you, Rhys and Nerissa? Drake and Nate passed out...and I think that Jack and Soul were watching over them." Danny straightened his spine and took a deep breath to help carry him through this horrifically awkward situation. "We all hung out for a while before Rhys suggested we use some of our money for some hotel rooms." Danny buried his face in his hands with a low sigh.

"What?" Nyx asked.

"I made Rhys room with Nerissa because I didn't trust him alone with you." Danny groaned out without lifting his head out of his hands.

"Oh..." Nyx said quietly in realization. "So he's gunna be mad at you, huh?"

"Are you kidding? I don't care if Rhys is pissed at me...Nate is going to KILL ME." Danny finally lifted his head from his hands and stared off into space with his hands in front of his face in a sort of prayer formation, most likely praying that Nate wouldn't find out about this.

"What... happened next?" Nyx asked quietly, when Danny mentioned going back to the festival, she remembered that but not much else.

Danny looked at her again before looking down at the ground. "Well, I made Rhys room with Nerissa because I didn't really trust him around you. Rhys has a history of doing really stupid shit when he's been drinking, based on the stories he's told me from his past, anyway. Apparently, I also do really stupid shit when I drink. I remember us getting into the hotel room with two more bottles of wine, I think I stole them? We took advantage of some of the free cable this place offers. Then I remember we were talking about your past and how you and Nate ended up in that place." Danny paused his story to turn his body towards Nyx more.

"If I remember correctly...you started having a really tough time. I think you started crying? Then, I remember trying to comfort you...cuz I'm just...like that. Then...I remember, you kissed me!"

"Wait, what?" Nyx said as she held up her hand.

"Yeah, yeah! You were super drunk and vulnerable and you kissed me, and my stupid, idiot self who was also super drunk...I just kinda...went with it." Danny buried his head in his hands again. "Oh my god I am the world's worst human being. The first time in years that I had an actual conversation with a girl, and I immediately slept with her...not to mention that you're literally the ONE GIRL that was off limits."

"Off limits? I'm not someone's possession, Danny. And not for nothing, this isn't just your fault. I'm the one who kissed you, so this is my fault for even bringing the thought into the situation. So if Nate finds out about this...then it'll be my job to handle it. Besides, how mad can he possibly get? We aren't dating..." Nyx sounded like she was trying to ease her own mind more than Danny's.

"Be that as it may, that doesn't make this a thing." Danny responded as he stood up while pointing back and forth between him and Nyx. "This was a one time accident, okay? Nothing more...please."

Danny and Nyx locked eyes at this point, Danny was giving her a hardened gaze to try and convey how serious he was. Nyx nodded meekly before Danny sat down and there was silence between them for a minute.

"So...you remember...the rest of the night?" Nyx asked as she glanced over to Danny, who glanced back.

"Yyyyup." Danny responded as he placed his palms over his eyes. Nyx tilted her head slightly and got slightly embarrassed when she saw that Danny's cheeks were slightly flushed. She could tell he was profoundly embarrassed.

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