44: Reunion

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^^^***Soul concept art included***^^^

Nyx walked down the hall of the dorms, on her way to the cafeteria to have lunch with her friends. She was really hoping Danny and Soul were there. She hadn't seen Danny since the infirmary, and her last interaction with Soul wasn't exactly positive.

"Hey, Nyx! Wait up!" She groaned softly and rolled her eyes when she heard the familiar voice of her reluctant partner, Oliver.

"What do you want?" Nyx asked as she turned around to see Oliver jogging slightly to catch up with her.

"Oh, come on. I just wanna ask ya something." Oliver said as he stopped, he then put his hands in his pockets and his demeanor dropped. "I haven't seen you since the infirmary, you okay?"

"I'm fine. I've been through worse, ya know." Nyx said with a slight attitude in her voice. She couldn't explain why, but this guy really got under her skin just with his existence. Even though he...protected her...and told her to run when he was face down and bleeding out. "Hey... Oliver...why did you tell me to run back there?"

Oliver raised his eyebrows in soft surprise. "Well, if I'm honest...I didn't think you could handle fighting him." Nyx furrowed her brow at his snide comment. "I...didn't really want you to die alongside me." Oliver sounded oddly serious for a moment before his face coiled into a small smirk as he looked at her. Nyx could already tell he was gunna say something stupid. "I didn't need your soul being tied to mine for all eternity."

Nyx's lip curled as she growled and spun on her heel to walk away from him. "You're the worst." She grumbled in anger.

"Oh, come on I was kidding!" Oliver called after her before he jogged to catch up with her again. He walked alongside her the entire way to the cafeteria, they walked into the large room that had a low hum from idle chatter. She saw, in the corner of the room, Nate, Rhys and Nerissa sitting and chatting with each other. Nate noticed them and lifted his hand, motioning them to come join them. Nyx smiled before she walked over to the table and sat down.

"Hola, hermosa." Nate said as Nyx sat down, causing her pulse to quicken like it always does when he speaks Spanish to her. Nate leaned forward and kissed her as Nerissa was telling Rhys about a story from her new job as Sanctuary's second doctor.

"Hey. Has anyone seen Soul?" Nyx asked as she looked around the table, she also noticed that Oliver had sat down at the table across from her.

"She came to talk to me last night about what happened to you two. She went back to her room after that I assume, but I haven't seen her since then." Nate answered her before he took a bite of his sandwich.

"What about Danny? I haven't seen him since I healed you guys up in the infirmary." Nerissa asked after she swallowed her tater tot.

"I saw him this morning," The group looked at Oliver when he spoke. "He had just gotten his ass kicked and-"

"What?!" Nerissa interjected abruptly.

"Ohh, right. We weren't telling you that..." Oliver said as he looked at her. "Yeah, he started a fight with a dude who is actually pretty good with hand to hand. I saw him sitting in the hallway outside his room. He said that he was useless and even the Chairman knows it." The group looked at each other with concern on their faces.

"What did he mean by that?" Nerissa asked him.

"Well, I think he's feeling guilty about what happened with our mission. The explosives could only be disarmed by entering a code, we could've really used Danny there...but the Chairman didn't send him with us." Oliver sounded deep in thought.

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