14: Prince of Shadow

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Nate entered his room with intense purpose, a small pad of paper in his hand. He heard about a guard here that was kind and sympathetic to the prisoners here, his name was Matt. He asked Matt if he would be capable of getting a letter to Nyx in the girls block and he reluctantly agreed. Nate sat down at his desk and pulled out a pen from the pocket of his jumpsuit. He took about 20 minutes to write his note to Nyx before he folded it into thirds and slid it into his pocket as he stood from the desk. He then left his room once again, hoping to find the guard before curfew. When he opened his door, he was surprised to see Danny with his hand raised like he was about to knock.

"Oh, hey. What's up?" Nate asked after he made a surprised face at his friend.

Danny lowered his hand, "Oh, hello. I was coming by to see if you were going to join me and the others for dinner in the mess hall." He asked curiously, Nate smiled for a moment before he answered.

"Yeah, I just wanna find Matt so I can give him Nyx's note." Nate said as he patted his pocket.

"I see, I'll come with you then, the line was super long when I was there, so I'd just be standing there anyway." Danny said as he stepped to the side to allow Nate to pass. Nate shrugged and starting walking down the hall with Danny alongside him. It was silent for a minute or two before Nate had a question for his friend.

"Hey, do you know when the next fight is gunna be?" Nate asked him casually, not wanting to accidentally miss it.

"I'm not sure, typically there's one fight every two weeks or so...but I've seen a fight happen the day after another before. I guess it just depends on how they feel." Danny responded as he brought a hand up to hold his chin gently. Nate softly bit the inside of his lip as they weaved through the populated halls, worry still bubbling under the surface. He didn't want Nyx to have to fight anyone, he didn't want her getting hurt. Especially not after hearing that some people could even be killed in the arena. Nate was jolted out of his thoughts when he heard Danny gasp gently. When they had crossed into an intersection of hallways, Danny ran into someone and tripped over their foot. This caused Danny to stumble forward before falling into another person, sending them both to the ground. Nate stood confused for a moment when everyone near them stopped in their tracks before quickly parting and making space for...something. Danny was on his knees and one of his hands while his other hand was rubbing his head. He adjusted his glasses while looking up at who he sent to the ground in front of him, "I'm sorry, are you-" Danny stopped and gasped gently as sudden and severe fear struck him to his core. Nate looked confused and concerned before he looked at the other man.

He had dark red hair that was cut in an undercut, he had hazel eyes that were glaring at Danny with violent anger. The man quickly stood up and towered over Danny, everyone in the hallway watching in silence. "Who the hell do you think you are?" The mans voice was dark and menacing, causing Danny to tense. Nate's eyes narrowed before the man swung his leg and kicked Danny in the face, he grunted and was sent all the way to the ground. Nate suddenly felt hot rage in his belly before he instinctively stepped forward and shoved the man back, hard.

"Hey pendejo, who the hell do you think you are? He said sorry!" Nate yelled at the man and heard a few gasps sound from the observers. The man stumbled back a few steps before his posture radiated even more rage. Even Danny looked up with worry and fear on his face as he stared.

"I see, clearly you're new. Damien Erebus, and you would be very wise to never cross me again." Damien stepped forward and growled at Nate. He narrowed his eyes but his posture didn't change. Damien's eyes snapped down to Danny on the ground and he tensed again. "and you, watch where you're going next time, weakling." Damien snapped before he walked past Nate, sending his shoulder into Nate's as he passed him. The observers immediately parted to allow Damien to pass before they slowly started to continue on their own paths. Nate immediately turned around and helped Danny to his feet. "You okay?" He asked him sincerely, the question was silently answered for him when he could feel Danny shaking like a leaf. Danny took a moment to collect himself and steady his breathing.

"Yeah...I'm...I'm okay...thank you." Danny said quietly between his shaking breaths. Nate's face softened, he had never seen Danny like this and it kind freaked him out a bit.

"Danny, who the hell was that guy?" Nate asked him as he glanced in the direction he went.

"Damien Erebus. He an S-Class, it's wildly believed that he is the strongest person in this whole place. He's psychotic and insanely aware of his own power. From what I've heard, he's from a Gifted mafia family." Danny seemed to have slightly entered rant mode as a way to calm himself. Nate noticed the bruise appearing on Danny's cheek and felt that hot rage again.

"Ah, I see. So he thinks he can run the prison because he's strong? Great, I should've known there would be someone like that here." Nate grumbled to himself before he looked at Danny again. "If he bothers you again, tell me."

"Nate, I don't think you understand. Damien is not only insanely powerful, he is just insane. He's killed two people in the arena." Danny said to try and convince his friend to calm down. Nate's eyes widened slightly as concern flooded into his system. He didn't know what he'd do if Nyx was put up against that monster. "Nate?" Danny said quietly, pulling Nate out of his thoughts.

"Sorry, but I mean it. If Damien ever fucks with you again, tell me. I'm not afraid of him." Nate reassured his friend. Danny was such a quiet and kind guy, seeing him get pushed around like that made Nate's blood boil. Danny looked down and sighed, knowing that there was no talking Nate out of this.

"Okay fine. Let's just go find Matt and go get dinner before curfew." Danny said quietly before Nate walked down the hall and Danny followed. It didn't take that long for them to find Matt and after a short conversation, mostly explaining the bruise on Danny's cheek, Matt took the letter and stuffed it in his pocket. He said he would get it to her sometime within the next few days. Nate and Danny thanked him before continuing to the mess hall. They immediately spotted Rhys and Drake sitting at the table, who immediately spotted them as well. Rhys' eyes widened and he swiftly stood up from the table and speed walked to Danny.

"Who the hell hit you?" Rhys asked sternly with anger and worry on his face. Danny rolled his eyes slightly.

"It was Damien." Danny answered like he was admitting to a crime. "I tripped in the hall on the way here and I knocked him to the ground by accident. He probably would've beat me a lot worse if it wasn't for him." Danny said as he looked at Nate with a small smile. Rhys looked over at Nate with a big grin.

"Wait really? You stood up to that psycho?" Rhys asked him with genuine surprise as he leaned back slightly.

"Hell yeah I did! It pisses me off to see people with power bully others like that." Nate said casually. Rhys patted Nate on the shoulder in a silent way to show his gratitude, Rhys then went back to the table to tell Drake as Nate and Danny went to get their food. Once they were at the table, Drake looked at the bruise on Danny's cheek and his face looked irritated. Drake hated Damien as well, and hated that he hurt Danny.

"So, what exactly do we know about that dickhead?" Nate asked after he had sat down and popped a small piece of breaded chicken in his mouth. His three friends looked at each other before anyone answered.

"Well, he's an S-Class shadow weaver. His Gift is entirely combat based and he mostly uses it for bloodshed. He's from a mafia family so he's definitely got the crazy to go along with the power." Rhys answered before he took a bite of his own food. "He's also killed two people in the arena, and unfortunately that makes him highly requested by the sick masses. Oh, and his stage name is Masamune." Nate's mouth twisted slightly in contemplation, the realization hitting him. He had just made a pretty strong enemy. He didn't know if Damien would go easy on women, but considering what he had just learned, he didn't think so. That fact made him worry even more, all he could think about was Nyx being paired up against that monster. She had become a strong fighter, she also had a strong-ish control of her Gift, but that didn't mean she could face someone actively trying to kill her.

"Hey." Rhys placed a hand on Nate's shoulder and jolted him out of his thoughts. "Don't worry, they usually pin Damien against people on his skill level. It's a lot of work for them to deal with a death in the arena and they like to avoid it any way they can." Rhys added, seemingly reading Nate's concern for Nyx. Nate took a deep breath and smiled at his friend.

"Thanks..." Nate said quietly and Rhys gave him an understanding nod. However, Nate's anxiety wasn't completely calmed.

It probably wouldn't be until they were out of that horrible place.

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