65: Purgatory

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The next morning after Halloween
The Erebus Estate's dungeon

Damien's eyes lazily drifted open when the sun was high enough to shine through the small window and onto his face. He quickly discovered that he could only open one eye, his other eye was covered by bandages that were wrapped around his head. Damien groaned softly as he sat up, his abdomen still aching from the previous night. He instinctively brought his hand to his abdomen when he felt a stabbing pain from his movement. He noticed that there were bandages wrapped around his waist as well. He had slept in the dingy and empty cell of the Erebus dungeon after Zachariah had Damien's men throw him in here. Damien finally leaned up all the way and rested against the stone wall of the cell. He was sitting on his suit jacket that he laid on the floor. His red dress shirt was stained slightly from dirt and his own blood. He brought one leg up so his foot was flat on the ground and rested his arm on his knee.

Damien brought his hand up to his face and dragged it down in an attempt to wake himself up a bit. The previous night raced by in a blur before landing on the moment he felt more isolated than he had in his entire life. Damien gritted his teeth. Those ungrateful mongrels. His men had turned on him, he still had no idea what Zachariah could've offered them to convince them of such an act. Every Erebus Mafia member is sworn to a blood oath the moment they enter, even members of the Erebus bloodline take this oath when they come of age. Maybe it wasn't something he was offering. Damien stared off into space as he thought. Maybe it was something he did to them, maybe a Gift? Damien's eyes widened slightly. Azriel, the boy with the dolls. Damien never really asked about his Gift, he only heard that Azriel was "the best Intel gatherer" in Zachariah's little crew.

Damien eyes flicked to the hall outside his cell when he heard the groan of the heavy metal door opening. He continued watching the hall with an even gaze as he heard a series of footsteps approaching. Three people. Damien's breath hitched slightly when the footsteps source showed themselves. He saw Zachariah, Willow, and his mother, she was in handcuffs and walking calmly in front of them. Damien quickly stood up as Zachariah stopped at his cell, Willow kept escorting Damien's mother, Rosa, to the cell next to his. Damien's eyes were locked on his mother until Zachariah spoke and caught his attention.

"Here." He said before he threw something small at Damien. He caught it against his chest before he lowered his hand and looked at what was thrown at him. It was a pack of cigarettes. "Just so you know that I'm not a complete monster." Zachariah said with a sarcastic tone. Damien's lip curled and a small growl left his mouth. Zachariah then tossed a lighter towards him and he caught it in his free hand.

"Why even bother taking me prisoner? Why not just kill me?" Damien asked as he took out a cigarette and lit it. He inhaled deeply and exhaled as he stuffed the pack and lighter into his pocket.

"You'd like that wouldn't you?" Zachariah said with a small smirk. Damien scoffed and looked away as he took another drag of his cigarette. "Why would I let a talent like yours go to waste?" Damien looked at him again with hate in his eyes.

"If you think that I'm going to work for you then you're better off just killing me now." Damien said sternly. Zachariah's lip curled slightly in irritation. Damien saw this and smirked slightly, clearly pleased with himself for irritating Zachariah.

"You should be careful, Damien. You're under my boot yet again, and this time I know how to really tear you down." Zachariah taunted darkly as he jerked his head slightly to the cell next to him. Damien's eyes widened slightly before his brow furrowed in anger. He pushed himself off the wall and walked forward until he was almost touching the bars.

"Let me be clear, if you hurt my mother, I will kill you. That is no veiled threat, Zachariah. It's a direct one." Damien growled out at the man in front of him, not showing an ounce of fear.

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