5: Telepathy

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^^^***Nate concept art included***^^^

Nyx woke up before she opened her eyes, she rolled over and groaned softly. The first sight that greeted her was Nate, still asleep in his bed on the other side of the room. Nyx turned her head and stared at the ceiling before she took a deep breath and sat up. She got out of bed and walked into the bathroom. She flicked on the light and looked at herself in the mirror. The puffiness in her eyes from the previous night had subsided but she still felt slightly fragile. She turned on the faucet and turned it to a comfortable temperature before cupping her hands under the water. She splashed the water on her face to help ease the slight heat in her cheeks. She placed her hands on the edge of the sink and closed her eyes, letting the water drip off of her face. Nyx then turned around and dried her face off with a towel that was hanging from the shower curtain rod.

Nyx turned back towards the mirror and let her hair out of the messy bun that had become even more messy from sleeping. She made a frustrated face before she grabbed the hair brush off the counter. After a few minutes of gently brushing the knots out of her long black hair she looked at herself again. She definitely had noticeable hair, it was almost down to her butt. Nyx's eyes drifted to the scissors that were laying on a shelf next to the sink. She quickly snatched them and looked at them for a moment. She lifted her hand and gripped a small clump of hair and brought the scissors to it.

"What the actual fuck are you doing?" Nate's voice jolted Nyx and she gasped in surprise. She whipped around and saw him leaning against the door frame with an eyebrow raised.

"Jesus Christ, Nate don't do that when I'm holding sharp objects!" Nyx said through panting breaths. Nate laughed and stepped forward before he slowly slid the scissors out of Nyx's hand. "If you must know, I was gonna cut my hair." She added rather defensively.

"What?" Nate said in a slightly high pitched voice that made Nyx laugh. "But your hair is beautiful, why would you cut it off?"

Nyx smiled at the compliment. "Well, I just feel like it would be easier for me to hide if my hair looked different." She reached up and scratched her head idly.

Nate made a pouting face for a moment before he smacked his lips once. "Alright, fine, but please let me do it before you butcher your hair." Nate then entered the bathroom and sat down on the side of the bathtub. He leaned down and patted the floor in between his legs with his hand. Nyx snorted softly before she sat down on the floor with her back to Nate. "Alright, little lady. What're you thinking of doing for your hair?" He said as he cracked his knuckles above Nyx's head.

Nyx snorted slightly, "I just want it a little past my shoulders with some nice layers. You can do that right?"

"Of course I can. I used to cut my mom's hair all the time, no big thang." Nyx laughed slightly at how goofy Nate was this morning. He started to snip at her hair and it was silent for a minute. "Are you feeling any better after last night?" Nate finally broke the silence and spoke in his soft and gentle voice that made Nyx's pulse quicken.

She cleared her throat. "Yeah, I definitely am. I was feeling better after that bath." Nyx said with a small smile. Nate stopped cutting her hair for a moment and leaned around her to give her a look with raised eyebrows. Nyx laughed softly as she shoved his head backwards so he would keep working.

"I'm fine, Nate. Really. Considering the shit that's happened in the past two days, I'm doing good. I just need some time to really process, that's all." Nyx sounded confident and she truly felt like she was telling the truth. She didn't want to be some fragile flower that would fall apart at the slightest bit of rain. She wasn't raised that way.

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