39: The Interview

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***^^^Oliver concept art included^^^***

After asking a dorm attendant to direct them to Nyx's room, the group went upstairs to the third floor and found it.

"Room 3F, this is it." Danny said as he gestured to the room number, his eyes traveled down to a small name plate that was under the room number that said "Nyx Valentino". He gestured to it with a small chuckle. The group entered her room and found that it was extremely nice. It also seemed to be decorated to fit Nyx's aesthetic. Nyx smiled as she assumed her mother had done this, expecting that Nyx would end up here and wanted her to be comfortable.

"Hey check it out." Nate piped up, causing the group to look outside at what he was gesturing too. He was referring to the room across the hall from Nyx's door, it was labeled 3E and had "Nathan Oliveira" printed underneath it.

"Oh awesome!" Nyx said slightly happily, already recovering from her mental exhaustion. "I wonder if your guy's rooms are nearby." She asked out loud as she walked down the hall. Next to Nate's, she saw Danny's, next to his, it was Rhys. On the left side of Nyx's room she found Nerissa's room, followed by Soul's, and on the left side of Nate's room she found...

"Oh you've got to be kidding me." Nyx grumbled as she saw the name plate labeled "Oliver Grey."

"I was really hoping we wouldn't have to see him much, but I guess that's the downside of school." Danny grumbled as he leaned against the wall next to Nyx's door.

"Hey, I'm gunna go check out my room." Soul said quietly before she left without another word and disappeared into her room. The group looked at each other in silence for a moment until they were sure she couldn't hear them.

"So she's been acting different...right?" Danny asked the group with a small hint of worry.

"I mean, she's always been a little standoffish and quiet, but this seems different." Nyx responded in a quiet tone so Soul wouldn't hear her.

"Maybe she still hasn't really gotten over Jack's death?" Nerissa piped up quietly.

"That wouldn't surprise me, it happened like a week ago." Danny said to them in a flat tone. The group was shocked for a moment, it felt like it was so long ago when in reality it was maybe a little over a week. Definitely not long enough to get over the death of a friend, especially if they were as close as Soul and Jack appeared to be.

Rhys was staring off into the distance, remembering the conversation he and Soul had in her old room at the lake house. He would have to tell the rest of them at some point, but only if he was really concerned that it was bound to happen. The group was jolted out of their thoughts when the PA system crackled to life.

"Would all new first year students kindly report to The Chairman's office. I repeat, all new first years to The Chairman's office, thank you." A man's voice sounded through the PA.

"Oh great, orientation all over again." Rhys grumbled in passive annoyance, Soul came out of her room as well to follow the group as they made their way to Elizabeth's office.

It was a large and casually elegant room, hardwood floors greeted them as they stepped in instead of the chipping concrete floor outside the room. The group could see Elizabeth sitting at her desk, fidgeting with some sort of wooden puzzle cube. She placed it down on her desk as the new students approached.

"Hello, kids. I hope that you're first day here has been eventful...so...far." Elizabeth trailed off when she saw dried blood under Nyx's nose, she hadn't had the time to clean up before coming here. She sighed, "You've been here barely an hour and you already got into a fight?"

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