7: Found

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About a month later, the authorities seemed to have given up their chase after Nyx; because of this, Alan allowed Nyx to explore the area as long as she was hidden and brought Nate with her. Nate and Nyx were exploring the woods about a mile away from the house, Nyx had almost forgotten how calming and beautiful the woods were, she felt a soothing sigh of relief in her mind as she took a deep inhale. She listened to the world around her, leaving rustles in the breeze overhead, little rustling of nearby animals crunching and scurrying around searching for food or a mate. She finally felt at peace.

"Hey, look." Nyx was snapped out of her trance when she heard Nate speak, it startled her a little because it had been so silent. She looked over at him and saw he was pointing down the hill they were on top of. When she made her way over to him, she noticed a little store sitting on the edge of a road at the bottom of the hill. It looked a little run-down and dirty, but there was a charming feel to it. Long, green-ish brown vines climbed up the side of the building and overgrown grass grew in patches in between the cracked cement.

"Yeah, I could go for a snack." Nyx said, patting her almost empty belly. Nate pushed open the door to the store and a little bell that was hanging on the door chimed sickly. A little old man perked up when he heard the bell and his face lit up with surprise and happiness at the new customers. Nyx got the impression there weren't a lot of them out here.

"Why, hello! Welcome! Welcome! How can I help you today?" He said with delight.

"We're just looking for some snacks, got any chips or bottles of soda?" Nyx said, still trying to hide her voice, just in case.

"Snacks and drinks are in the back there. Say, you look a little familiar, have you been in here before?" The man said while rubbing his cheek in thought.

"Wow, this is a cute little shop you have here, have you owned it for a long time?" Nate said, quickly trying to change the subject as Nyx shuffled to the back to find the snacks. She could still quietly hear their conversation when she found the chips, she grabbed two bags of potato chips and two bottles of cream soda from the fridge. That's when she heard the bell chime a second time. Her heart stopped when she peeked around the corner and saw two officers walking up towards the counter. She quickly hid behind the shelf and gently set down the snacks and soda on a shelf so she didn't make a sound. She heard Nate's voice invade her thoughts.

I hope you're hidden, they haven't recognized me yet, but if they show your picture to this guy we could be in real trouble. I hope you're ready.

Nyx thought inside her head, I'm always ready. She smiled and adjusted herself to be in a ready position. She peeked around the corner and saw Nate slowly moving backwards, seemingly trying to put as much distance between him and officers as possible.

"Excuse me sir, have you seen this girl? She is an Odd One and she is extremely dangerous." Nyx shut her eyes and prayed that the nice man at the counter wouldn't rat her out. She heard the man whisper, "Yes, officers she's in my store right now"

Nyx, stay quiet, don't start a fight, just try to make a run for it when you can.

Nyx looked over at Nate who was now hiding behind the shelf next to her, What about you?

Nate looked back, don't you worry about me, I got this. He then shut his eyes and placed his palms over his eyes. After about 3 seconds he pulled his hands away with a jolt. Okay shit change of plans, we might have to fight our way out of here, there's already more on the way and they aren't far. Just as Nate finished that thought, Nyx noticed how close the officers had gotten to them, with sheer reaction Nyx pulled the shelf down. She heard the officer who was now trapped underneath shout to his comrade, Nyx ducked quickly as she heard the booming noise of a pistol being fired at her. Nate tackled the other officer with surprising success and managed to disarm him, putting the pistol in the back of his pants and following Nyx toward the front door of the store.

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