2: The Storm

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^^^***Nate concept art included***^^^

Nate led the two girls down the hall a bit before leaving the building through a side door. They walked around the side of the building towards a small outdoor section that was under construction. Nate used two fingers to lift the caution tape and gestured for the ladies to enter.

"Uh, Nate we can't go back there," Alex said to him.

"Sure, we can. No one will catch us here." Nate said as he executed his gesture again. The girls exchanged a look, then finally crawled under the tape with Nate. He then led them around the corner of the building and sat down against the wall. Nate pulled out a small glass pipe and started to pack weed into it, without a word he brought it up to his mouth and lit it with his lighter, Nyx watched as the glowing red embers stretched across the green, engulfing it with smoke and ash. Nate then handed the pipe to Alex, who was closest to him, Nyx watched as Nate leaned his head back against the wall and closed his eyes. He exhaled slowly and the smoke plumed from his mouth, Nyx stared and she was completely entranced. So much so that she didn't even notice that Alex was trying to hand the pipe to Nyx.

"Hello?" Alex said as she poked Nyx's leg with the pipe. "Oh, shit, sorry." Nyx responded as she snapped out of it. She heard Nate laugh to himself quietly as Nyx took the pipe and lighter and brought it up to her mouth, she could smell the woodsy scent of weed in the surrounding area. She lit the bowl and inhaled deeply, then took the pipe away from her mouth and held her breath; she then proceeded to cough her brains out. Nate and Alex laughed loudly as Nyx was dying slowly. After Nyx's coughing had calmed and she took a deep breath, all she could muster was a breathy 'fuck' which caused Nate and Alex to laugh again.

After about five minutes, the worst possible thing had happened. Alana from English peered around the corner and sniffed the air. "Well well, I didn't know that you freaks were potheads too. How precious." Alana sneered towards Nyx.

"Fuck off Alana, you're ruining our buzz," Nate said with a wave of his hand.

"I think not, I might just tattle on you, so watch your mouth freak." She pointed a finger at Nate and the tone of her voice could cut glass. This caused Nate to stand up and step forward, locking his eyes with Alana.

"If you're going to tattle on anyone, make sure you leave Nyx and Alex out of this, clearly this is between me and you. So once again, fuck off before I make you cry in ten seconds flat." Nate spat out without separating his teeth, he could totally do it too. Nate could make anyone cry, it was honestly a talent. Nyx and Alex stood up with him as if to send an unspoken message to back off, but of course, it fell upon idiotic ears.

Alana's eyes shifted to Nyx, "You better back off black sheep before I bust that not-so-pretty face." Alana started walking closer to Nyx, Nate shoved her back by the shoulders, hard.

"If you even lay a finger on her I swear to god I will kick your fake ass and tell everyone you assaulted me first." Nate shot back at Alana which caused her to flinch in surprise. Nyx looked shocked as well, before looking back at Alana and smiled with a small restrained grin. Alana then stepped back and whistled shortly, then from around the corner emerged two other girls and a guy that none of them had never seen before. Her heart immediately started racing as she realized what was happening. They were getting jumped. The guy walked up to Nate and stood inches away from his face, not saying a word.

"Can I help you, buddy?" Nate mumbled in the guy's face. The guy only responded by slamming his fist into Nate's stomach. Alex gasped as Nate fell to his knees while clutching his stomach. One of the other two girls stepped towards Alex and slapped her straight across the face before gripping Alex's hair and throwing her down to the ground. Nyx stood in shock as her friends were being beaten down in front of her. She didn't even notice that the second girl, along with Alana, was bearing down on her. She was snapped out of it when she felt a heavy blow to her cheek. Nyx crumbled to the ground and curled up in a sad attempt to protect herself. She felt someone slam their foot into her stomach and the breath left her lungs. She could hear Nate and Alex struggling against their attackers. Nate managed to get a few good hits in against his attacker while the girls were struggling against theirs. Nyx tried to protect her face and head against the kicks and punches that were being doled out by these horrid people. She quickly gathered that Alana was wearing steel toed boots. After the worst three minutes of her life, the blows stopped and she could hear grunting, Nyx raised her head slowly. Even though it was throbbing from the blows to her head that she couldn't block, and what she saw next caused her blood to run cold. She saw Alex lying unconscious on the ground while the two random girls were holding Nate pinned against the brick wall of the school. He had a bruise on his face and his breathing was slightly shallow. Nyx's heart rate increased when she saw the guy flicking open a switchblade and stepping towards Nate. His eyes opened wide in fear, Nate attempted to escape the grip of the girls but they both kneed him in the stomach so hard that he started gasping and wheezing. As the guy got closer to Nate, Nyx tried to do anything to stop them from hurting her best friend.

"What the fuck are you doing?!" Nyx screamed at the guy as she tried to sit up.

"I think it's pretty obvious I want to make this bastard bleed." The guy turned towards Nyx and pointed the knife at her, "You better shut your mouth before I make you bleed too, bitch."

"Don't even touch her!" Nate yelled in anger through his shallow breathing. The stranger turned back towards Nate and brought the knife up to Nate's face and held it there for a moment. Nate's eyes darkened on the stranger before he swiftly stabbed Nate in the right shoulder, Nate let out a pained yell before the guy removed the blade swiftly; blood quickly started to stain his torn, gray tee. The moment Nyx saw that blood, something in her changed; she felt something bubbling inside her. She couldn't keep it in anymore, Nyx bowed her head, gripped her hair and screamed louder than she ever had before. After her scream had stopped, it was silent. She looked up to see a horrific sight, the guy who stabbed Nate was staring through him with wide eyes as the knife was jabbed into his own throat. He was gurgling, and blood was spurting out of his throat. Nate watched in horror as the stranger fell to the ground in front of him. The dying man tried to grip onto Nate's shirt as he fell, wordlessly begging for help that Nate simply couldn't give. Nate's torso was covered in splashes of blood as Nyx screamed again and the two girls holding Nate back screamed and ran away. Nate's hand instinctively clutched his wounded shoulder as he rushed over to Nyx. Alana was still standing there staring at the now unmoving body of her supposed friend. It was almost as if she was frozen, she was just staring at the body on the ground.

"Nyx! Are you okay?" Nate asked her urgently, ignoring the pain in his shoulder and how much he was bleeding. Nyx was staring at the corpse in front of her with wide eyes. What the hell just happened? Nyx was snapped out of it when she heard metallic creaking coming from above them. She looked up to find a crane holding up large iron piping, that creaking was the steel cords giving away. Finally, they broke, sending them barreling down towards the three of them. Nyx screamed again and held up her hands in a futile attempt to protect herself.


"Uh, Nyx?" She heard Nate's voice whisper in shock. She looked up to see the pipes floating in midair, just above all their heads. Nyx couldn't even understand what was happening, was...she doing this? Nate reacted and pulled Nyx out of the way just in time for them to finish crashing down with a loud clang.

"You...you really are a freak," Alana whispered in shock with her hand over her mouth.

Nyx stood up, "No! No, wait! Please don't tell anyone!" Nyx pleaded as she stepped towards Alana.

"N-No! Stay away from me you freak!" Alana shouted before running away. Nyx was in shock, visibly shaking, and babbling like a baby. She was terrified, now she was going to be arrested and who-knew-what done to her. They were probably just going to execute her, considering she killed someone. She was broken out of her thoughts by a hand on her shoulder. She turned around to see Nate.

"Nate...?" She whispered with tears tugging her eyes, "Y-You don't think I'm a freak, do you?"

"Of course not Nyx, you're my best friend, nothing about that will ever change." Nate smiled at Nyx and she looked down at the blood coating Nate's shirt and part of his face.

Nyx's eyes turned scared again. "Nate-"

"I know. We don't have time to talk about it." Nate responded as he used his free hand to wipe the blood off his face. Nyx looked over to Alex and saw her still unconscious. Nyx crawled over to her friend while Nate followed.

"Hey, Alex, wake up!" Nyx said sternly as she tried to shake Alex's shoulder slightly. Before Alex was able to be woken up, they heard a loud bang and saw three cops emerge from the side of the building.

"We should go now." Nate said as he grabbed Nyx's hand.

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