82: Convergence

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Nyx opened her eyes lazily when she heard her phone buzzing on her nightstand. She rolled over in bed before tilting her phone towards her so she could read the screen. It was a text from Danny.

I'm outside your door, open up please.

Nyx lifted her left eyebrow before she lifted herself out of bed and quietly opened her door. She quickly backed up as Danny slid into her room and shut the door behind him.

"Why not just knock?" Nyx asked through slight irritation as she rubbed her eye with a closed fist.

"Because the entire school thinks you're dead, Nyx. Not even your mom knows you're alive yet...but, she will soon." Danny glanced away for a moment and Nyx's face shifted to slightly worried.

"Well, yeah. I planned on telling her obviously." Nyx responded through her worried gaze, sensing that Danny meant something else by that.

"Uh...Nate is going to tell her." Danny said as he rubbed the back of his head and averted his eyes.

Nyx's eyes widened, "What? Why is he telling her?" She asked with a mixture of surprise and anger. Danny flinched slightly but he powered through.

"He insisted. He wouldn't really tell me why." Danny responded. Nyx looked off into space for a moment as she felt a warm feeling fill her body. It was mixed alongside a soft tinge of pain. Danny's face changed to somber before Nyx's door swung open and Nyx saw her mother enter the room with wide eyes. Danny moved out of the way as Elizabeth moved forward and held Nyx tightly. Nyx squinted as her eyes misted and she hugged her mother back. After a long while, Elizabeth released her daughter and stepped back.

"Nate filled me in on a lot of the details of your resurrection. While I'm...a bit resentful that Damien Erebus was the one to save you, I'm grateful that he did." Elizabeth said with a soft smile and misted eyes. "I'm also...aware of Dr. Faust's existence. Believe it or not, he used to be Sanctuary's physician before Mia."

Both Nyx and Danny had a surprised expression spread across their faces. "Really?" Nyx said quietly, she didn't think Faust was the type to work alongside Gifted youth like that.

"Yes, he ended up quitting shortly after Mia was hired as our physician. We lost track of him after that, before Nate informed me that he was the one who resurrected Damien, created Orion...and resurrected you." Elizabeth said with a slightly tired tone, Nyx's shock was interrupted when more people entered her room. It was Kyle first, then Soul...and Orion. Both Soul and Orion stared at Nyx with the shock that she expected. Nyx smiled tiredly at them before she spoke through her slightly burning throat.

"Hey guys..." She whispered and her voice broke. Soul stayed where she stood and continued to stare, Nyx assumed that she knew the story as well. Orion however, stepped forward. His face was twisted in bittersweet joy and he rushed forward and hugged her tightly. Nyx held him close as she could feel his shoulders hitching slightly.

He spoke into Nyx's shoulder with a soft voice. "Nyx...I'm so sorry. I should've been there...I could've-"

"No. You couldn't have saved me...no one could've...the only one who stood a chance at stopping me, was me. If you were there...I-I don't want to think about you seeing that." Nyx said quietly before Orion finally broke the hug and stepped back, his eyes were puffy but his expression was empty again.

"Nyx, I used to be an assassin for the Erebus Mafia. I've seen worse." Orion said with a tired tone as he looked at her.

"Orion." Danny spoke and it took Orion's attention. "I've seen death too...but it's different when it's someone you love. No one should have to watch that." Danny said quietly as he looked down, Nyx looked over at him and saw his eyes were open and he was staring into space. Nyx knew that the image of her being shot dead was playing through his mind. Nyx's hand twitched, considering reaching out to try and break him out of it like Nerissa used to. Considering how long Nerissa had been gone, she could guess that Danny had been having...a rough time. Nyx finally reached up and gently gripped his shoulder, causing Danny to jump subtly before he looked over at her. They stared at each other for a moment before a voice got their attention.

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