100: The Aftermath: Part Two

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Nyx woke up the next morning in her bed, with Nate sleeping next to her. She looked over at him and smiled softly before she was forced to massage her head to ease the throbbing. Nyx groaned tiredly as she sat up in bed, causing Nate to stir awake. "Oh, good morning, Hermosa. I take it you don't remember last night?" He croaked out in his sleepy voice.

Nyx snickered, "I remember going to Kyle's room, we had our dumb little heart-to-heart over some scotch...then...uh..." Nyx trailed off, that's when things became foggy.

Nate chuckled slightly and held his hand against the side of his head to prop himself up. "Kyle called me and asked me to come get you after you fell asleep on his couch. What'd you guys talk about anyway?" He asked curiously.

Nyx adjusted herself to sit up in bed and she hugged her knees. "Well, I can't really go into detail about what he told me, it's a bit of a sensitive topic. But I told him about...what really happened to Oliver on Halloween night." Nyx admitted with a solemn tone as she looked down. Nate's face changed to sympathy and he sat up in bed as well. He reached up and used his hand to gently guide her head to look at him.

"I know, Hermosa, I know it's been hard for you. You've hardly had a moment to breathe since then. Maybe we should take a vacation, just the two of us?" Nate asked in a sweet tone, hoping she would say yes.

The look on her face wasn't very promising, however. "I'd love to, Nate, I really would, but...I can't. Not yet at least. There's still so much left we need to do, the city won't just be fixed overnight. Besides, we still need to figure out what's going on with that bounty on your head, now that Azriel is dead." Nyx spoke in a flat tone as she eased into his soothing touch.

Nate sighed softly through his nose. "Yeah, you're right. I just want a chance to get away from all this craziness, maybe that's just me being selfish." Nate was the one to look down this time, and Nyx was the one giving him a look of sympathy.

He felt her icy fingers under his chin and he looked up at her, she was giving him a soft smile that made his worried immediately fade away. "You're not selfish, my love. It's understandable to want some peace and quiet. It does sound amazing to be sitting on a bright sunny beach with you by my side, and I know it sucks that we just can't do that right now." Nyx said as she gently stroked his cheek with her thumb.

He smiled and leaned into her touch before a soft buzzing from the nightstand caught their attention. Nate handed Nyx her phone and she tapped on the screen to see a text from Danny.

Orion wants to see all of us in his room for something.

Nyx turned her phone to show Nate and he trilled his lips in irritation before he lazily rolled out of bed to put his shirt on. Nyx chuckled slightly before she got out of bed herself, she decided not to leave the comfort of her pajamas so her and Nate just left the room to go to Orion's room down the hall. When they reached his door, Nyx knocked on it gently before hearing Rhys' loud voice telling them to come in. They opened the door and saw everyone already there, including Kyle, even if he looked like absolute garbage. Likely from a hangover. Jaya was also there, which shocked Nate and Nyx as they entered the room. He was sitting on the ground next to Orion's bed, with Nerissa next to him. They both gave Jaya a glare as they entered the room.

"Hey, so what's with the sudden meeting?" Nate asked quietly, still trying to get used to functioning as an awake human being.

"Right." Orion said quietly as he stood next to his bathroom door. "So, I'll just get right into it. When Jaya kidnapped Nate and Reiko knocked me out-"

Jaya tensed, "Again, I just want to say how sorry I am-"

Orion stopped him by suddenly holding his hand up. "Just stop, okay? Because you were just doing what you had to do to survive and I get that. Besides, if I'm honest...it led to something amazing." Orion said with a happy hint in his tone.

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