41: Operation: Orion

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Nyx knocked on her mother's office door before she heard her voice telling her to enter. She opened the door and was immediately put into a bad mood. She saw Oliver turn his body to look at her and a smirk spread across his face.

"Looks like we're partners today." He said slyly as he leaned his head back.

"You've got to be kidding me." Nyx said in a frustrated tone.

"I am not kidding you Nyx. I chose him to be your partner for this mission because he is needed." Her mother said with a sigh of frustration herself.

"Jeez, Nyx. Tell me how you really feel." Oliver teased with a feined look of hurt on his face.

"I just did." Nyx grumbled as she approached her mother's desk with a furrowed brow.

"Enough. Don't make me regret this decision." Elizabeth said in a stern tone before she typed a bit on her keyboard. A screen of light materialized in front of Nyx and Oliver and they could see a few photos of what looked to be a collection of large warehouses. Large buildings filled with unlabeled boxes of various sizes. "This is a storage zone for supplies that are necessary to keep many towns and cities supplied in the event a severe weather storm happens and the city can't receive any shipments. It appears that the Erebus Mafia might be making plans to blow it sky high." Elizabeth's tone changed to slightly desperate.

"What?! They're gunna blow it up?" Nyx exclaimed.

"Not if you two go down there and stop them." Elizabeth said as she locked eyes with her daughter. "You two will be tasked with finding the explosives, they are likely attached to the support beams of each building, and aquire the detonator. That is all, you are not to engage with anyone from the Erebus Mafia unless you have no other choice. Is that clear?"

"You got it." Oliver said as he saluted Elizabeth with two fingers. He turned on his heel and began to leave the room.

"Nyx." Elizabeth said quietly, stopping Nyx as she turned to walk away. "Be careful."

Nyx nodded and followed Oliver out of the room. "So you don't seem to be at all worried. We're walking into a bomb." Nyx said as she caught up with him.

Oliver scoffed, "Please, this isn't even the hardest mission I've taken this week. Mostly I'm just annoyed I have to go on mission with this hangover." He said as he rubbed his temples.

"That's your own fault for getting so drunk last night." Nyx said to him with a small smug smile.

"It was a party, of course I was gunna get drunk." Oliver rested his hands on the back of his head. He peeked at Nyx from the corner of his eye as they continued walking down the hall. "I do remember one thing though, you really dressed up for that party. Was it to impress me?"

Nyx's eyes widened before she turned her head to him quickly. "Yeah right! I dressed up like that because I wanted to." She shouted at him with anger, this dude really knew how to push her buttons.


"Sir, the charges have been placed." A lowly grunt stood at Kuroi's desk with his head bowed.

"Good." Kuroi said darkly as he turned his chair around to face the grunt, bandages could barely be seen from under his collar. Rhys' last attack on him clearly hadn't healed yet. "All that's left is to wait for Sanctuary's agents to arrive on scene. I trust that the test subject is ready?"

"Yes sir." The grunt responded quietly.

"Perfect, then Operation: Orion can begin." Kuroi growled with a small grin.

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