19: Family Ties

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^^^***Soul concept art Included***^^^

Nyx was sitting at her desk when she heard a knock on her door. She got up and answered it to see Nerissa.

"Hey, what are you doing here?" Nyx asked quietly. She had asked them to give her some space after what she had seen Nate's friend go through.

"Uhh, Soul told me that you said to come here?" Nerissa sounded confused. She then yelped slightly when Soul appeared behind her and shoved her into the room and shut the door behind her when she walked in.

"I wanted to meet you all here. There's something I have to say." Soul sounded serious.

"Okay, what is it?" Nyx said as she sat on her bed after exchanging a look with Nerissa.

"So, about that day that you asked where I was before that live stream? I wanna talk about that." Soul said as she crossed her arms in a lax manner. Nerissa and Nyx exchanged another look before Soul continued.

"There's a guard here named Ed. He's this nice older guy who's a little taller than Matt. He's been here for a long time and I've built his trust and I've started...I guess the right word would be conspiring, with him. After what happened to Danny...I can't keep quiet anymore. I think the elders in my family are going to try and attack the compound to break out Damien." Soul paused to give her friends time to process before she added even worse news. "And if I know my family...it'll be a bloodbath. So Ed has managed to swipe some collar keys, if the time comes, he will meet us all here and release us from the collars...and we can leave." Soul finished while she looked at her friends from under her eyebrows.

Nyx stood up, "I'm not leaving without Nate." Her tone was determined.

Soul sighed, "I thought you might say that, we will have full control of our abilities, so we can easily go to the male block and grab him, probably his friends too. It wouldn't hurt to have more people to fight our way out, because we will probably have to."

"That's fine, although I won't be too eager to run into that crazy brother of yours." Nerissa chimed in as she shuddered, remembering what he did to Danny.

"Don't worry about that, I can handle him..." Soul's voice turned slightly darker.


Nate received another letter that night. He entered his room after visiting Danny again in the infirmary and found it inside his room on the floor. He scooped it up and sat at his desk to read it.


First things first, how's Danny doing? Is he okay? We all saw what Damien did to him and we're all worried sick. Secondly, how are you doing? I haven't gotten a letter from you in a few days...

There's something else too, I'm writing this while praying that this doesn't get intercepted but... Soul is worried that her family is going to try and stage a prison break for Damien...I haven't really told you this yet, but they're siblings...but I trust Soul and I know she isn't like him...but Soul knows her family pretty well and the fact that she is planning like this leads me to believe that it's a pretty big possibility. In the event that this happens, I need you to gather your friends and make it to the outer wall opposite the red brick wall. We will meet you there, get your collars off and we can leave. ACTUALLY LEAVE.

And please be careful, Soul also mentioned that if her family attacks, it'll be a bloodbath.


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