90: Through the Fog

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"Fuck...fuck fuck fuck!" Kyle repeated in anger as he grabbed his phone off the counter before rushing out of the Infirmary. He needed a shirt before he left to go find Nyx.

"Kyle, stop. You're in no condition to be moving around, let alone fighting." Elizabeth said sternly as she followed him down the hall, Damien was also following behind.

"Well there's no way in hell that I'm letting Nyx fight against that sicko by herself, so if not me, then who?" He responded as he continued to speed walk down the hall towards his room to get a clean shirt.

"I'll go." Damien's words caused Kyle to pause and whip around alongside Elizabeth.

Kyle scoffed, "Like hell you will! It's taking enough restraint to not beat you senseless, there's not a chance in hell you're getting let loose in the city." Kyle said as he stepped forward and got close to Damien's face. Damien only stared back with an even gaze and a slightly turned upward chin.

"You're not going, Damien. If you're seen out in the city, it will cause more problems for everyone, including you." Elizabeth added before Kyle broke off his aggressive stare and continued moving down the hall. Damien growled angrily to himself before he turned around and walked in the opposite direction where they came from. Elizabeth watched him turn the corner before turning around to catch up with Kyle.

When she did catch up, it was at the doorway to Kyle's dorm room as he rummaged through his dresser drawer. "Kyle, if anyone should go out there it should be me." She said to him in a calm tone.

"Why? So Azriel can turn the tables on you too?" Kyle said as he pulled a shirt down over his head. "They managed to lure Nyx, Nate and Orion into a trap. They kidnapped Nate! I can't even imagine their reasoning but-"

"There's a half a million dollar bounty on Nate's head." Elizabeth interjected in a flat tone, causing Kyle to halt and look at her with subtle shock.

"Fuck...well that would do it. Okay, so it wasn't just him diving on a grenade for her again. That makes things even more serious." Kyle said with subtle concern bleeding into his tone, it was clouded by the physical exhaustion he was feeling. His eyes suddenly snapped open when his foggy mind finally connected the dots. Jaya Suzuki, Reiko's brother...he's the one who took Nate, which means that Nate is...

Kyle quickly pulled out his phone and called Danny, he started moving down the hallway again as it rang. Elizabeth watched him leave with an exhausted and worried look before she sighed deeply. She knew that nothing she said would change his mind, but honestly, part of her knew that Kyle would do whatever was necessary to save her daughter.


Danny halted when he heard his phone ringing in his pocket as he and his team ran down the street. Rhys and Soul halted as well and turned around as Danny pulled out his phone and shock spread across his face. He quickly swiped his thumb across the screen to answer the call and put the phone up to his ear.

"Kyle? Is that really you?" Danny said into the phone and mirrored looks of shock spread across his friends faces.

"Yes it's me, shut up and listen. Nyx activated her panic button, Jaya and Reiko lured them into a trap and Jaya kidnapped Nate. I'm 95% sure they took him back to Azriel's hideout, you guys need to get down there now and get him out of there. Nyx is alone with Reiko and an unconscious Orion, I'm on my way now to help her, but you guys need to save Nate." Kyle explained the situation quickly, Rhys and Soul watched Danny's jaw clench in fear that he was trying but failing to hide.

"Understood. Be careful, Kyle." Danny said in a restrained voice before he hung up the phone and looked at his team. "Change of plans, Nate's been kidnapped by Jaya Suzuki and he's likely been brought back to Azriel's bunker. We need to go down there and get him out, and possibly deal with Jaya as well." Danny spoke as he glared at his friends, his eyes looked serious.

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