59: Halloween

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October 31st
11:36 am
Sanctuary, Nyx's room

Nyx opened her closet to take out her costume to put on. It was a skin tight faux leather suit that made it seem like she was a rogue from a video game. It took her a bit to put it on before she walked back into her bathroom to blow dry her hair and style it. She added a slight curl to her hair before tying it up until a loose bun. Nyx then opened the small cupboard that was next to her sink and pulled out her makeup supplies. She started with some light foundation to make her skin smoother before she did her eye makeup. It was a thick and smokey black eye shadow to make her eyes look sunken and scary. It was Halloween after all.

Nyx looked at her door for a moment when someone knocked on it. She walked over to the door and opened it to see Nerissa and Orion, both were already in their costumes. "See? I told you! Just look at her makeup!" Nerissa said excitedly as she nudged Orion with her elbow. Nyx looked at the two with a confused look. "Oh, I was explaining to Orion that some people do their makeup all scary for Halloween instead of wearing masks. And I told him that you're amazing with makeup." Nerissa explained and caused a small smile to grace Nyx's lips.

Orion stepped forward and shuffled a little. "Uh, Nyx? Would you mind doing my makeup too? I wanna go all out for my first Halloween." Orion asked meekly with a small smile on his face.

Nyx smiled but her mind was filled with a different emotion when she remembered what Nate had said the day before. "Sure, Orion. Come on in." She answered in a slightly cheerful tone as she stepped aside for them to enter. "Come in here, there's better light." Nyx said as she walked into the bathroom. Orion followed her and stood at the door. Nyx gestured her hand to the toilet which had the seat down. "Sit here please." Nyx said and Orion followed her instruction and sat down. Nerissa stood in the doorway and watched excitedly. "Do you have a problem with things getting close to your eyes?" Nyx asked him.

"No, I don't think so." Orion answered her as she opened her makeup pouch and pulled out her eyeliner.

"Alrighty, stay still and try not to blink too much." Nyx said in a soft tone as she leaned down and slightly pulled Orion's bottom eyelid down. She slowly dragged the felt tip of her liquid eyeliner across the edge of Orion's eyelid. Nerissa smiled slightly to herself when she noticed that Orion's cheeks were slightly flushed. She couldn't tell if it was his nerves from having something so close to his eye, or if it was because he was having makeup put on him. After Nyx had finished the eyeliner, she put the cap back on the eyeliner and started preparing the black eyeshadow. She glanced down at Orion and decided to ask the question that had been eating her. "Hey, Orion? You mind if I ask you something?"

He looked up at her. "No, I don't mind." He replied deadpan.

Nyx took a deep breath, "What did you mean when you said that the Erebus Mafia created you?" She asked hesitantly, Orion and Nerissa both tensed simultaneously.

Orion cleared his throat, "Because...they did. I don't have parents, I was created in the Erebus lab by splicing two different peoples DNA." He averted his gaze and wouldn't look Nyx in the eye.

"Orion." Nerissa piped up and he looked at her. "Tell her." Nerissa added in a gentle tone. Nyx looked from Nerissa back to Orion and saw he was already looking at her.

"I'm technically a clone...a clone of Jack...with Gabriel's DNA as well to give me control of my dragons." Orion looked down at his lap and Nyx stared at the top of his head in shock. She turned around and looked at Nerissa.

"Do Danny and Soul know about this?" She asked Nerissa quietly. Nyx turned around again when Orion spoke.

"Soul knows. Danny doesn't." Orion said weakly. "Soul didn't want him to know yet because she isn't sure how he would react. She told me that Jack was killed when you guys rescued Danny from Damiens torture and Danny blamed himself." Orion fidgeted with his fingers.

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