28: Live Long Enough...

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Danny came into consciousness but couldn't open his eyes. His head was throbbing and his throat was dry. Even though his body was stiff and in pain, he gathered that he was hunched over in a chair with his arms bound behind his back. He tried to shift his body but found that his feet were taped to the chair by his ankles. He finally managed to open his eyes and saw he was in a dark room with a lamp hanging above his head. He looked around the room, not seeing any other furniture past the darkness. He focused his attention in front of him when he heard the sound of a metal door unlocking and opening. He watched the darkness with hitched breath, he wanted to call out, yell, scream, ask where the hell he was but he couldn't because his mouth was duct taped shut. He heard slow foot steps in the darkness approaching him before Damien finally stepped into view. He was barely bathed by the pale light above Danny's head.

 He was barely bathed by the pale light above Danny's head

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"Well, look at you..." Damien said quietly with a tone of almost admiration. "Right where you should be..." Damien lifted his foot and slammed it onto Danny's right knee and he yelled in pain, muffled by the tape. "Under my boot."

Danny looked at him with a mixture of hatred and fear. He wanted to talk, he wanted to tear this guy a new one.

"Aw, what's wrong? Can't talk?" Damien brought his foot back down and walked around Danny. "Then you'll listen. I have brought you here for one reason, and that reason is my sister, Soul." Danny's head jolted upward a bit. "Yes...Soul. She has abandoned our family and betrayed our father, and for that she must die." Danny's eyes widened as he stared at his lap in fear. "I have two ways to achieve this goal. Number one, I shatter you. Body and soul. So that when they do come for you, you will be nothing more than a burden to them. Number two, I torture you anyway and have my fun with you until they get here, then kill you myself in front of their very eyes, breaking them before I kill them." Damien then reached down and clutched Danny's hair from behind and pulled his head back. He reached up and ripped off the tape on Danny's mouth, causing him to yell slightly from the pain. "Thoughts?"

Danny was breathing heavily, his head still throbbing. "You want my thoughts? I think that you wildly underestimate those people, and I think...that if you think you're safe, they're coming for you." Danny almost growled at Damien with a cocky smile on his face. Suddenly, Danny was hit in the cheek by a hard and blunt object, a shadow. He grunted as the impact sent his head to the side, the only sound after that was Danny's heavy breathing, Damiens footsteps, and the clatter of Danny's glasses moving across the floor while Damien walked back around him and held his hand up. He opened his hand and a few strands of white hair fell onto the ground.

"Bold, aren't you?" Damien growled out before he lifted his hand and a Shadow snaked around Danny's throat and squeezed. Danny's head was forced upward to look at him as the shadow squeezed his throat. "I know how to fix that." Damien lifted two fingers and a second shadow with a sharp edge lifted from his right and swiped across Danny's chest. Danny yelled in agony as a nasty gash was carved into his flesh. Damien laughed darkly as the shadows faded away, Danny's head dropped as he breathed through the white hot pain.

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