47: Nyctophobia

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"Why the FUCK can't you just let things go?" Soul shouted angrily at her newly resurrected brother as he approached her cell, alongside Gabriel. Soul's mind was still slightly foggy from Gabriel taking control of her and forcing her to leave that voicemail for Nerissa.

"Because it's more fun if I don't?" Damien responded, causing Gabriel to chuckle softly.

"You sure are an interesting kid." Gabriel said as he turned to Damien.

"Tsk. I'm far from being a kid." Damien shot back in a low tone.

"Oh shut up already, where are Nyx and Nerissa, what have you done with them?!" Soul growled angrily at the two evil men in front of her.

"Nerissa is being held in a separate cell, and Nyx? Well...she's under the watchful eye of Father." Damien responded with a sly grin and Soul's heart stopped, her eyes widened in fear.

"Why is Nyx with him?!" Soul yelled in a shaking voice.

"Well, your friend has a bit of an attitude problem." Damien said as his lip curled slightly. "Rivaling that pathetic whelp..." Soul's lip curled in anger as she knew he was talking about Danny. "You should be grateful that she isn't under my care, Father can handle the attitude. If it were me...I would break her...more than I already have I mean." Damien taunted Soul with a sly smile on his face.

"What? WHAT DID YOU DO?" Soul's anger was boiling over now. Damien's smile grew wider, he loved getting under his sister's skin.

"Well, if you must know..." Damien walked closer until he was close to the plexiglass of Soul's cell. "I stabbed her...and I used the same knife that I used to give Daniel his special treatment." Damien pulled out the knife and used the tip to get dirt out from under his nails.

Soul's eyes widened, "What?!"

"Oh relax, you pathetic traitor. She's alive, Father's orders. For some reason, he's interested in that fickle woman." Damien responded as he put his knife back in its holster. "Well, that's enough talking to you. I have something to do, Gabriel keep an eye on her would you?"

"You got it." Gabriel responded with a small, two fingered salute.

"Why are you doing this?" Soul asked him in a slightly shaking voice.

"Don't even try to bark up that tree with me, senorita. You won't get anywhere." Gabriel shot her down quickly, causing Soul to tense and keep quiet out of fear...Gabriel tensed his jaw before her turned around and left the room. Soul crouched down with her head tucked down. Why is this happening to me? Why is this happening to them? They don't deserve this, no one deserves this.


It was around 5:30 or 6 o'clock when Nate started to really worry, and the others were starting to pick up on it. "Why isn't she answering?' Nate asked rhetorically as they walked down the hallway towards their dorms. "She always answers me."

"Maybe she lost her phone?" Oliver suggested.

"No way, her first cell phone since being discovered? She wouldn't let herself lose it that easily." Nate responded as the group reached the top of the stairs. The group halted when they saw a man in a black suit waiting outside their rooms. Nate's face began radiating uneasiness and fear.

"Nathan Oliveira? You and your friends are to report to the Chairman's office immediately." The man spoke decisively before he walked down the hall past them as if to wordlessly escort them. The boys gave each other a worried look before following him to the Chairman's office.

At the office doors, the man gripped the doorknob and twisted it, "Ma'am, the students you requested are here." The man said after he opened the door and peered inside. The group entered the office and approached the desk of Nyx's mother. She looked exhausted, like she hadn't slept in days, or had been crying. Nate couldn't tell.

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