18: Masamune

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^^^***Damien concept art included***^^^

It had been three days since the accident. Three days of the Male Block gossiping about the accident. Three days of Danny not waking up. Nate's eyes drifted open as he stirred from his unrestful sleep. His eyes felt heavy and burned slightly, he had been struggling to sleep for the past three days. Watching that visceral display of violence...and to have his friend be the victim of it? It broke something in him.

Nate pulled himself out of bed with a low groan, he wanted to go see Danny, even if he wasn't awake yet. Nate walked down the hall towards the infirmary and felt an overbearing pressure on his shoulders as he walked down the populated but silent hallway. Ever since the incident, the halls of the compound had been disturbingly quiet. Nate assumed it was out of fear that Damien would appear around the corner at any time. Nate however, was hoping for it, he wanted to give Damien a piece of his mind for what he did.

As Nate approached the door to the infirmary his chest began to feel tight. He gripped the door knob and held it for a moment. Nate took a deep breath and turned the knob before opening the door. He looked up to see a wonderful sight that caused the first smile in three days to spread across his face.

"Danny?" Nate said in disbelief, Danny's head turned to look at Nate as the nurse was holding a stethoscope to his chest.

"Hey Nate." Danny responded, his voice sounded hoarse, probably from not opening his mouth in three days. Nate's gaze softened as he saw the state of his friend. His orange jumpsuit was open and off his arms and his undershirt was off, he was absolutely covered in bandages across his entire body. Nate could see a scabbed cut on his chin and a bandage wrapped around Danny's head. Danny's eyes looked sunken and dark, like he hadn't slept a wink in a week, even though he was unconscious for three days. Nate stepped towards him and pulled over a chair as he walked to Danny's bed. After sitting down in the chair, Nate rested his elbows on his own knees and interlocked his fingers.

"How ya doing?" Nate asked quietly as he looked at his own hands, he didn't have the strength to look at Danny directly.

"Nate, look at me." Danny's voice was stern. So much so that it almost forced Nate to look up at him. "I'm alive. That fact alone is enough for me to be amazing. To be honest, after what happened in the hall that day, I kind of expected him to try to kill me but...he didn't, and that's what matters." Danny finished as the nurse stood up and looked at Nate.

"That's right dear, your friend was very lucky. Those spikes missed every vital organ and just slightly tore his stomach. He's a little miracle." The kind nurse placed a hand on Danny's head, slightly ruffling his hair. Danny pulled his head away from her hand slightly with a small hint of a smile on his face. The nurse smiled warmly and left to go back to her desk and give the boys some privacy.

Nate slightly smirked as well. "Danny I...I'm glad you're okay. We were all really worried about you." Nate said sincerely as he caught Danny's eyes and held them for a while. It seemed as though Danny was struggling to find his words. Nate watched quietly with an unwavering expression as he noticed Danny's eyes beginning to mist slightly before he looked away.

"I...saw something...before Damien stabbed me. All of that time figuring out Nyx's ability, I didn't even have a firm grasp on my own." Danny chuckled a little bit after he finished the sentence.

"Huh? What do you mean?" Nate asked, confused.

"It turns out I'm more than a human supercomputer. I think that my "calculating" ability isn't just restricted to finding out the combination of an electronic lock. I saw this... vision as I was rushing him. I SAW him stab me a second before he actually stabbed me. Even though my mind was foggy from his kick, it worked in overtime to warn me of the impending danger. If I had known I could do that, I wouldn't have been so confused and shocked and I could've avoided it." Danny's voice got quieter as he spoke. Nate could barely see his eyes through his hair as it hung in his face but he saw that Danny's eyes were open wide and staring into space. Nate knew that Danny's mind was showing him that fight all over again and he was stuck in the memory.

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