71: Master of Games

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^^**Azriel concept art included**^^

Nerissa woke up in a posh and comfortable bed, way more comfortable than her bed at Sanctuary. She sat up with a yawn and looked around the room she woke in. It was large and looked extremely expensive. The walls were made of white marble with rose quartz accents weaving through from floor to ceiling. Gorgeous and artistic rugs coated the floor and Nerissa saw a large wood table in the room. It was covered with all kinds of breakfast foods, a man in a fancy suit walked in with another tray as Nerissa noticed the food. Nerissa had no idea that Azriel was wealthy enough to have butlers like this. Even though this place was underground, it seemed so... lavish.

"Good morning, young Miss. Master Enoch has arranged a breakfast for you. He also requested your presence once you're done eating." The butler said in a professional and respectful tone.

"Okay, thank you." Nerissa responded quietly, the butler bowed slightly and left the room. Nerissa got out of bed and moved to the table to get a better view of the food Azriel was offering. There were crepes, waffles, pancakes, all different kinds of options. Nerissa took a few waffles and sat down to eat, they looked absolutely delicious. After her first bite she was proven correct, the butter and syrup seemed expensive as well based on how perfect it tasted. Although it wasn't long before Nerissa's mind started wandering to the previous night. The horrible things Nate said to her, Rhys and Danny telling her to leave. A thought fluttered into her mind for a moment, that maybe she had overreacted, but it didn't last long. She recalled Azriel finding her when she felt more lost than ever. She recalled all the things he said to her, how he understood what she was feeling. He was right, she did deserve better. She remembered him holding his hand out for her, to help her and she couldn't bring herself to resist.

After Nerissa finished her food, she walked out of her room and saw a light shining from a different room down the hall. She approached slowly and peeked around the corner to see Azriel's back as he faced a painting on his wall, holding his hands behind his back. Nerissa gulped slightly before she knocked on the open door, Azriel turned around with his hands still behind him.

"Nerissa! Good morning! I hope the bed was to your liking?" Azriel said excitedly, causing Nerissa to smile slightly, but still nervous.

"It was, very much. Thank you." Nerissa responded as she walked into the room more. Azriel took a few steps towards her as well with a small smile on his face.

"You don't need to thank me, dear. It's simply the bare minimum for someone of your power." Azriel said kindly as he leaned down slightly and held up a finger. "Also, I'd like to introduce you to a few of my friends." Azriel lifted his hand and snapped his fingers loudly. Nerissa tensed slightly as a side door opened and a few people filed in. A tall Japanese boy who was wrapped in a long black coat, he had messy black hair that barely covered sickly green eyes. He had a scar across his lip and another across his cheek. The next boy was another Japanese boy, he looked similar to the first boy but his eyes were piercing yellow. He was shorter and barefoot. He was wrapped in black, skin tight clothing walked with a bit of a shy posture. The third was the woman that Nerissa immediately recognized from the Erebus Estate on Halloween night. Nerissa tensed before the last person walked in, she recognized him immediately as well.

"Ezekiel?!" Nerissa said in shock and he looked at her before recognition coated his face.

"Oh hey, look who it is. So you finally got away from those Sanctuary brats huh?" He asked her casually with his hands in his pockets.

"Soooo you two know each other I see." The boy with the sickly green eyes spoke up. "What about getting to know the rest of us?"

Azriel clapped once before he spoke, "Right! Nerissa, let me introduce my friends." Azriel gestured to the first boy with the sickly green eyes. "This is Reiko Suzuki." Azriel leaned towards Nerissa and spoke low. "I wouldn't let him touch you, it might not end well." Nerissa's eyes widened slightly and she looked at Reiko. He lifted a finger before Nerissa saw dark green veins creeping down his finger before they faded away again.

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