42: Violet Eyes

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The air felt like it was vibrating, Danny sat down against the wall of the building. He was clutching Nate in his arms to protect him from any further harm. Rhys held up his arm to block the debris from going into his eyes. Danny lifted his head before he saw the scene before him, Nyx was beginning to levitate. Danny's eyes frantically traveled around the room, he saw that Oliver was still on the ground, a small puddle of blood had pooled under his chest. Danny's eyes widened when he saw that Oliver's body was starting to slide across the ground towards Nyx.

"Rhys! Get Oliver!" Danny looked at Rhys and shouted, Oliver was being sucked in towards Nyx, who was causing a gravitational anomaly. Rhys sprinted forward towards Oliver and quickly scooped him up before running towards Danny and Nate. Danny got to his feet alongside Nate, who had miraculously managed to stay conscious.

"How the hell are you even awake right now?" Danny asked him as Nate slung an arm over his shoulders and they moved quickly to take cover behind a stack of boxes.

"It'll take more than that to take me down." Nate said as he sat down with his back against the boxes. He held his wound again and peeked around the boxes to see the situation.

"Holy shit." Nate whispered as he watched Nyx lift her hands. She threw the small singularities at Orion and they traveled inhumanly fast. Orion's body suddenly changed to a pale blue and they could suddenly see through him. The singularities traveled through Orion before they collided with the ground behind him. When they hit the ground, the singularities grew slightly, sucking in all nearby debris and boxes before erupting in a small explosion. Orion didn't even flinch as the explosions erupted behind him. His body returned to normal as he continued to glare at Nyx.

"What the hell is he?" Nate whispered in shock as he watched.

"It's like he's a ghost." Danny said as he watched Orion closely. "Or at least, he has the capability of a ghost, he can become incorporeal. It seems like those dragons surrounding him have their own consciousness and can make their own decisions as well." Danny whispered in disbelief of this man's gift. He was incredibly strong, but that's what confused him about this boy. Every single powerful person he had come into contact with had such a huge ego and loved to hear themself talk. This man though, he wasn't acting anything like that, he was quiet and collected. He wasn't even taunting Nyx. He was just staring at her with a blank, empty expression. Danny narrowed his eyes, deep in thought. He didn't even know if something like SS-Class was a thing, but if it was? This guy would be it. Nyx growled in anger as her eyes glowed brighter, suddenly there was a bright violet glow outlining Orion before he was lifted off the ground and sent downward at insane speed. It caused another eruption from the impact.

Nyx watched as the smoke cleared and Orion stepped out from the cloud, unharmed. "What the hell?!" Nyx shouted to herself in anger before she sent another singularity at him. Orion suddenly leaped into the air before trying to stomp down on top of her. Nyx quickly shifted out of the way, when she reached point B, she was suddenly struck by a fast flying dragon across her side. Nyx quickly reacted like she didn't even feel the pain and grabbed the dragon. She clutched it in her hand tightly before it started glowing, it suddenly screeched and writhed before it exploded in her hand and faded away. Danny's head whipped to Orion when he heard him cry out in pain. He saw Orion had dropped to one knee and was clutching his arm.

"She's hurting him..." Danny said to himself. "It's the dragons..." Danny quickly lifted his head to shout at her. "Nyx! It's the dragons! You can't hurt him until you get rid of them!"

Nyx smiled manically before she shifted behind Orion and grabbed another of his dragons that were circling him. Three out of five. She grabbed it tightly and did the same thing that she did to the previous one. Orion cried out in pain before he dropped his other knee. Doubling over as he held himself.

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