33: Judgement

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^^^***Soul concept art included***^^^

Nyx was the last to wake up the next morning, she opened her eyes as she was laying on her side. The previous night was still fresh in her mind, and her emotions were still frayed. What the hell was I thinking? She thought to herself after she sat up straight in bed and ran her fingers through her hair. She ran through the previous night in her mind once more. She remembered that originally, she just went for an innocent walk through the woods. The rain had a cooling effect on her hot and flushed skin. She remembered that once she had gotten to the edge of the ledge and squatted down, she watched the scenery before one singular impulsive thought took control.

She had almost made the worst mistake of her life, but Danny saved her from it. He leaped off that ledge after her. Her mind was still reeling, she knew that Danny was smart, but originally she thought what he did was a stupid decision. Thinking about it more though, he was a genius. He knew her pretty well by this point, and knew that she would never want someone to die for her.

Nyx shook her head to clear the cobwebs before she got out of bed. She left her room and went into the bathroom, she flicked on the light and looked into the mirror. She stared at herself for a moment before turning on the faucet, she ran her hands under the water for a moment before cupping them into a bowl. Nyx leaned down and splashed the water onto her face before looking back up into the mirror. The water stuck to her lashes and dripped in front of her eyes, the shock made her feel a bit better. It also got rid of the dried streaks of tears from the previous night, which was what she was really going for.

Nyx flicked off the light and left the bathroom to go downstairs. She faintly heard idle chatting as she approached the kitchen. When she entered she saw Nate standing in front of the coffee maker, pouring himself a cup.

"Good morning." Nyx's head turned to the left when she heard Danny speak. He was sitting at the table with his own cup of coffee. "How did you sleep?" He asked her with a generic tone, but the look in his eyes asked a different question.

"I slept fine, thank you." Nyx responded as she sat at the table. "Where's everyone else?" She asked both of them as Nate placed a full cup of coffee on the table in front of her. She nodded at him to thank him as he smiled at her, still knowing nothing of what transpired the previous night.

"Rhys took the girls into town to get some food, we're running a little low. After what happened, we kind of made a rule. No one goes out by themselves again, I think it's more than fair." Nate responded as he sat down across from Nyx and next to Danny.

"So, has either of you talked to Soul since Jack's death?" Nyx asked quietly, looking between them from under her eyebrows. The two guys just looked at each other uncomfortably, then looked away to avoid blame. Nyx closed her eyes and sighed. "Men. I swear to gods. She watched her best friend die from a stab to the heart by her own father, and you think that didn't mess her up?" Nyx asked the two sternly.

"Honestly..." Danny started as he looked at Nate before leaning forward onto his elbows slightly. "Neither of us really thought it was our place. You and Neri are closer to her than we are, but it seems like Nerissa has been distracted with her own...stuff."

"Okay, I'll talk to her when she gets back." Nyx said before she took a sip of her coffee, now that it had some time to cool off. Danny and Nate glanced at each other as Nyx took her sip.

"Have I ever mentioned how pretty you are, Hermosa?" Nate said quietly with a small smile as he brought his cup to his lip, Nyx slightly choked on her coffee before she brought the cup down onto the table. Danny smirked and snickered slightly, causing Nyx to look at him with surprise alongside her flushed cheeks.

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