46: The Boogeyman's Gambit

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"What the hell are you planning, asshat?" Soul growled at her brother as he stood outside of her cell.

"I can't spoil the surprise, there's no fun in that." Damien responded as he ran his hand through his hair to get it out of his face. "But I can tell you that it's brilliant."

Soul stared at him intently before asking the question that was weighing heaviest on her mind. "What did you inject me with earlier?"

"Oh, that. Let's just call it insurance. It's a drug that's been developed by the same doctor who brought me back from the grave." Damien lifted his hands in a triumphant manner. "This drug completely inhibits all abilities for 12 hours." Soul's eyes widened and Damien smiled. "That's right, go ahead, try using your Gift."

Soul eyed him with shock for a moment before her face softened and she lifted her hand to summon a shadow tendril. It didn't work. "Why the hell would you even want to make an ability inhibiting drug?" Soul asked her brother in a stern tone.

"Isn't it obvious? I need it for my plan, duh." Damien rolled his eyes and walked out of the room, ignoring the protests from Soul.

Orion entered the room later after that, he approached the cell slowly. "I know what his plan is."

Soul looked at him with intrigue. "What is it?"

"You aren't gunna like it." Orion responded as he looked down.


Nate was the first to wake up the next morning, he was jolted awake by someone knocking on his door. His head instinctively turned to the side where he saw Nyx still sleeping soundly in bed next to him. After all the time he had spent waiting for this, it almost didn't feel real. Nate finally got out of bed after a second series of knocks came from his door. He put on a pair of pants before opening his door to see Rhys.

Rhys' jaw dropped slightly and a hint of a smile could be seen in the corners of his mouth. "Well, it's about damn time." Rhys said in a calm voice.

Nate peeked behind him, there's no way Rhys could see his bed from where he was standing. "How the hell-"

"Dude, you have bite marks all over your shoulders and neck." Rhys clicked his tongue as he pointed at Nate's shoulder. Nate tensed and his cheeks flushed slightly before he turned around to put on a shirt. "Oh, and scratches all down your back, Christ on a stick, dude!"

Nate turned around as he grabbed his shirt that was on the floor and shushed his friend, not wanting to wake up Nyx. He left the room and shut the door behind him as he finished putting on his shirt. "What the hell are you even doing here?"

"Ah right. Nerissa is looking for Nyx. Apparently there's this new cafe that she thinks Nyx will just love." Rhys added air quotes.

"Ah, I guess I'll wake her up and let her know. Tell Neri that she'll be down in a bit." Nate responded through a tired yawn as he brought a closed fist up to cover his mouth.

"You got it, tiger." Rhys chuckled as he turned and walked down the hall, Nate laughed once as he walked back into the room to see Nyx was already awake and was in the middle of putting her pants on.

"Oh, well good morning, hermosa." Nate said as Nyx stood up straight. He pulled her closer by her waist and kissed her lovingly. "Did you sleep well?"

"Of course I did, stupid." Nyx responded in a loving voice, Nate responded with a smile. After the previous night, they both had the best sleep they had in a while.

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