63: Chrysalis

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October 31st
10:36 pm
Inside The House Of Horrors
Danny and Nyx

Danny continued to lead Nyx down the blood stained hallways of Willow's House Of Horrors. The crazed man was still chasing the two of them, wildly slashing with his knife even though he wasn't close enough to actually hit them. As they ran, they passed a hospital bed in the hall that had been flipped onto its side. Nyx jerked her hand out of Danny's and he turned around to look at her. Nyx grunted as she moved the bed to block the hallway, the screeching of metal dragging across the tile sounded through the halls.

"What are you doing?" Danny asked her through his panting breaths. The fear evident in his voice.

"Get ready to kick." Nyx said quietly, Danny didn't need to hear anymore, he trusted her. The man got a few feet away before Nyx and Danny lifted their feet and kicked the bed as hard as they could. The bed was sent forward and collided with the man, sending him toppling over. Danny and Nyx immediately turned around and ran down the hall before the man could recover. After they rounded the corner, Danny pulled Nyx into a side room before shutting the door. They both squatted down as Danny placed his hand on top of Nyx's head to make sure that he could react to protect her if he needed too. They both held their breath as the crazed person ran down the hall, passing the room they were in. After the area had become silent again, the two of them slumped all the way down to the ground. Danny let out a long sigh before continuing to take breathe deeply to combat his asthma.

"Are you okay?" Nyx asked him as she turned her head to look at him, slightly out of breath herself.

Danny nodded before he spoke, "Yeah, yeah I just...need to...catch my breath." Danny said through his breaths. He leaned his head back and closed his eyes as he focused on breathing. Inhaling through his nose and exhaling through his mouth. Nyx watched him with a look of subtle worry on her face, she hadn't seen him burdened by his asthma this badly before. She shuffled uncomfortably, remembering the last time she had been alone with just Danny. It was after he had introduced her to his parents, when Nyx blindsided him with a stupid question. Are you in love with me? She still felt strange around Danny, every single time they were alone together, she said something stupid. She decided that it would be best if she just kept quiet.

Danny had other thoughts, "Nyx?" He asked softly. Now that things had calmed down, he realized something. "Where's Orion?" He asked with concern. Nyx's eyes widened and trembled when he asked that, the image of Orion's face of terror burning into her mind. Her eyes started watering slightly and Danny's face changed to realization before Nyx managed to tear her eyes away from his.

"No..." Danny uttered softly. "Nyx no..." Danny's voice broke slightly.

"It was Damien." Nyx's voice was weak. "After he knocked you out, he held you hostage." Danny tensed, he already assumed that was the case. "He forced us to surrender...or he would kill you and I...I couldn't let that happen." Nyx finally lifted her head and looked up into his grey eyes, the eyes that radiated more emotion than Nyx thought possible. "I told everyone to surrender, like he wanted...and then he...he just..." Nyx choked up before Danny pulled her into a tight hug. His throat burned from choking down the pained cry he wanted so badly to let out, but he couldn't. Nyx needed someone solid for support, he had to be that rock right now. They sat there for a while, Danny stared off into space over Nyx's head. This wouldn't have happened if I was stronger. This is my fault. My fault. My fault. Nyx stared off into space as well, but she was staring into Danny's chest. The images flashing through her head again, Orion's face of terror. The change from terror to calm as he thanked Nyx for trying to save him...I got distracted. I lost focus. I failed. Orion was killed because of me. My fault. My fault. My fault.

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