86: Ignition

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Damien's leg bounced impatiently as he sat on the oddly comfortable bed in his cell. Even after the interrogation, where he admitted to everything he had done and confirmed his intentions, they still threw him in here. He wasn't exactly surprised though, considering how angry that pink haired agent was, he probably told Elizabeth to keep him in here. Damien's hands hung limply in front of him and he stared at the ground. I bet they're debating on just executing me. He thought to himself as he rubbed the skin under his collar that was still inhibiting his Gift.

His head jolted upwards when he heard distant footsteps cutting through the silence. He watched the precipice of his cell before his eyes widened when he saw his old childhood friend, Eve, step around the corner. She turned to face him with a small smile and rested her arms on the bars. "Hey, Big Red."

Damien stood up slowly and took a few steps forward, the look of shock fading slightly. "Eve, you're the last person I was expecting to see here, other than myself, I mean." He said though a soft chuckle as he looked down, Eve tilted her head slightly as she immediately recognized Damien's particular brand of shame.

"So...your huge string of murders and crimes caught up to you, huh?" She asked him with a little bit of a patronizing tone.

Damien's mouth twisted a bit, "Well, actually I'm here for a different reason." Damien shuffled a bit and averted his gaze. "I assisted in bringing Infinity back from the dead."

"I know." Eve said with a smug smile and Damien jolted his gaze to her in irritation. "Soul and her two friends, including Infinity, came to my lounge and told me what happened. They also said that their buddy, Danny, had this premonition about something big coming." Damien's face softened when she mentioned Danny, knowing that their next interaction would be...tense, to say the least. "She also mentioned, that your old man killed Jack..." Eve's voice turned somber suddenly and Damien closed his eyes with a soft sigh.

"It's true..." Damien looked uncomfortable for a moment. "Although, I wasn't...around when that happened. The guy you mentioned, Danny...he killed me shortly before Jack was killed." Damien's tone was unreadable, but Eve could tell from his body language that Damien was greatly ashamed.

"I can't say I'm surprised. Soul also told me what you did to Danny." Eve said directly and her eyes flicked down to Damien's hands at the sudden movement of him clenching his fists. He looked down again as a variety of memories flooded into his very being. The scent of blood, the sound of Danny's agonizing screams, the sensation of choking on his own blood after Danny stabbed him, the darkness that followed. "Hey." Damien jolted his head upward slightly as he was broken out of the trance, his wide eyes staring at Eve through his crimson hair that hung in his face. "I know that a lot of people here don't really get it, but I do. I know that...you were forced to become a mirror image of your dad. I know...what he did to you." Damien's posture stiffened. "Considering the circumstances, you did what you felt was right in order to stay alive." Eve spoke sincerely and it honestly put Damien at ease a bit, hearing that someone understood him, at least a little.

But not entirely, "I...don't know if that's right." Damien's voice was low as he lowered his head again. "My father thought my hatred for Danny was pointless. He didn't want me to pursue it, but I did anyway. I...enjoyed it." Damien refused to look at Eve.

"Oh..." Eve said as she lowered her arms off the bars of his cell. Damien tensed again after admitting his sick secret.

He took a while to respond before clearing his throat softly. "In reality, I'm not sure I regret anything I did. Because every decision I made led me to where I am now. I originally hunted Nyx for the sole purpose of dropping her corpse at Nathan's feet, so I could break his mind and kill him. Three days later, I got my wish and she was shot in front of his very eyes. Then, I...I carried her corpse out of the burning wreckage of my home to bring her back to life. Now, I'm in Sanctuary's prison, waiting so patiently to see whether or not I'll be executed."

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