87: The Ghost and His Dragons

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"We need to get to the auditorium, but what about her?" Nate asked as he gestured to Mia, who was still wrapped in Damien's shadows and glaring at them all with neon pink eyes.

"Hang on, tell me what's going on with her first. Why are her eyes pink like that?" Danny asked as he stepped a bit closer, making sure to keep Damien in his peripherals.

Nate took a moment before responding, "It's Azriel. His Gift has something to do with mind control, and it's way stronger than mine...he was able to not only see me trying to take control, but he was able to shove me out of Mia's mind completely." Nate's voice was shaking slightly, the second time that his Gift hadn't worked on someone and it freaked him out. Nyx looped her arm in his to try and ease his shaking, and it worked a bit.

"I'm calling Elizabeth." Danny said quietly as he tapped on his phone screen a few times and held his phone to his ear, after a moment of silence, he spoke again. "Chairman? There's an emergency in the Infirmary and we need you here ASAP, I know you're gathering agents but-" Danny was interrupted when everyone heard a low whooshing outside the Infirmary door and it opened again. Elizabeth entered as her eyes were fading from neon green back to blue. She saw the situation and made the conclusion at light speed.

"It's happening here too I see." She said quietly as she looked into Mia's neon pink eyes with a somber look.

"Too?" Nyx asked with a slightly shaking voice. Her mother sighed and closed her eyes before she raised her head and looked at her daughter.

"I asked Lisa to run the meeting so I could come down here, so I guess I can tell you all here, but first we need to take Mia to the holding cells so she can't hurt anyone." Elizabeth responded as she looked at Mia again, who smiled psychotically at her gaze.

The four agents, Nate, Nyx, Danny, and Damien, stood at Elizabeth's desk after Mia had been safely secured in a holding cell. "Azriel has made his move, and as of this moment..." Elizabeth paused and the group saw her hands clench a bit. "A city wide riot has ensued." Elizabeth typed on her keyboard before the screen of light appeared in front of them and a look of horror spread across their faces, even Damien. It was a news broadcast, with Azriel as the subject.

"Attention citizens, my name is Azriel Enoch and I am Gifted...and your new Mayor." He said with a big grin and a wink. "As of this moment, I have complete control over roughly half of the cities population. For everyone's safety, I would recommend staying indoors." Azriel paused for a moment before devolving into a small fit of psychotic giggling. "Oh, who am I kidding? That won't save you. No, the only way out of this...is an act of God." Azriel's eyes flashed with madness as he stared into the camera and Nyx got that creeping feeling like he was somehow staring right at her. "I wish you all luck, and I look forward to having a drink with the survivors." Azriel winked again before the video abruptly cut off and silence filled the empty room.

"Holy shit." Nate uttered softly, sounding like a gunshot through the silence, "What can we do?"

"Well, time is short. With roughly half of the city's population under Azriel's control, we need to act fast with damage control." Elizabeth paused when the door to her office opened, the rest of their friends entered. Soul, Rhys, and Orion. The three of them tensed upon seeing Damien standing next to their friends like he belonged there. The looks on their faces were so vastly different however. Soul's face was plastered with a mixture of sadness and a hint of warmth. Rhys had a look of extremely restrained rage. Orion, had a look of pure terror on his face. Damien closed his eyes with a sigh as the rest of the group watched the tense situation. He slowly stepped forward a few steps before stopping when Orion and Soul recoiled a bit.

Damien looked at Rhys first, "Rhys, I understand your anger-"

"No, I don't think you do." Rhys interrupted him as he stood a bit taller. "The last time I saw your face, I watched Nyx drop dead in front of my eyes." Nyx felt Nate grip her hand when Rhys said that, she looked over at him but couldn't see his eyes through his dark hair, but she could see his chin quivering. "I saw my best friend fall into darkness and pain while I could do nothing but try and make sure he didn't get himself killed. All because you decided to kill Oliver, for no good reason!" Rhys stepped closer until he was yelling in Damien's face as he stood there with a blank expression.

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