11: Just Like School

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^^^***Rhys concept art included***^^^

Nate's eyes lazily opened and he saw the dull, grey ceiling of his new room. He took a deep breath before groaning as he leaned up in bed. His hand rubbed the back of his neck where the shock collar had irritated his skin. He may have mouthed off to a guard during the interview and paid the price for it. With another deep sigh he got up off the bed and went into the bathroom. His dark hair was a frizzy mess and he had dark circles under his eyes. Those exhausted eyes traveled down to the embroidered label on his jumpsuit, 695-S.

Nate still didn't understand why he was in the highest class. He can't even control people for that long, a few seconds if he's lucky and he can only control them if they lock eyes. No, that shouldn't be his concern right now, his only concern was Nyx. She must be so scared, he thought to himself. He had to find a way to talk to her, it might be hard with all these guards breathing down his neck.

"Attention, breakfast is now being served in the mess hall." The loud, piercing PA system rang through his room. Nate's stomach rumbled, he left his room and looked to his left and right. The halls were filled with other guys in jumpsuits, a variety of ages. Nate noticed that only those with S printed on their jumpsuit were wearing the collars. Nate felt a pit form in his gut, this collar was going to be on him forever he feared. He would never be able to get in contact with Nyx. He took a deep breath before following the rest of the crowd towards the mess hall. When he entered the room he looked around and saw groups of people sitting in their own little groups at different tables.

"Just like high school." He whispered to himself.

"Tell me about it." He heard a voice from his right, Nate turned to see a guy with short, dark hair and equally dark skin. Nate flinched slightly when he saw the extremely contrasted golden amber eyes that were looking back at him. This man was also grinning at him brightly and Nate noticed that the man's canines were WAY too sharp to be normal.

The guy chuckled as Nate apologized for staring, "Hey man, don't worry about it. I get it, I look different. That's why I'm here right?" The guy thrust out his hand, "The name's Rhys. I can tell you're one of the newbies. Come on, you can eat with us. What's your name?" Rhys sounded very casual, which made Nate feel comfortable, he did NOT want to have to fight someone.

"Nate." He smiled back as he followed Rhys over to a table in the back corner of the cafeteria, he saw two other guys sitting there already.

"Guys, this is Nate. He's one of the newbies." He playfully slung his arm around Nate and slapped his chest twice, "S class too, so THAT should be fun." Rhys winked at Nate before sitting down. Nate followed suit and sat across from the two people he had yet to meet. The boy directly across from Nate was very tall, he could tell even though he was sitting down. He had short cut, light brown hair, Nate squinted his eyes slightly looking at the man's eyes, they were hazel colored...but the pupils were slits, like a reptile.

"Can I help you?" The guy said, more like a statement than a question.

"Sorry, it's just..." Nate trailed off, not trying to set this guy off. Considering he wasn't wearing a collar, he could probably use his ability.

"Don't let this big guy intimidate you, he's just messing with you cuz you're new." Rhys held his hand up to "block" the noise, even though he wasn't whispering. "This is Drake The Snake boy." Drake let out a small irritated hiss at that remark, but turned his attention back to his food.

"Aaand that's Danny The Genius." Rhys finger gunned and winked to the other boy sitting across from him. He was unsurprisingly shorter than Drake and had shaggy white hair. Nate could see pale, gray eyes behind a pair of wire rimmed glasses.

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