26: Kuroi Kage

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^^^***Kuroi concept art included***^^^

It was silent as the group sat in the middle of the woods. It was dark outside at this point and the empty woods only made it darker. The crickets chirping in the distance calmed Nyx as she leaned against a tree and closed her eyes. It was quiet for a while before Nyx opened them when she heard Soul's voice.

"Guys...I know that we all probably don't want to talk, but I know where we can go. I have a safehouse that Jack and I used when we were on the run." Soul sounded wistful.

"Soul, are you sure?" Jack piped up, not adding any context.

"We don't have a choice, Jack. We need a place to hide, and I have a place to hide." Soul turned to him and spoke rather aggressively. "It's not too far from here, we can probably get there by morning."

"Wait, why are you just telling us this now?" Nyx asked her.

"Well, I didn't exactly have much time while we were running for our lives." Soul answered sarcastically. "Then we found the warehouse and it didn't seem relevant anymore. We should get moving."

"Can you walk?" Nerissa kneeled down next to Danny who was wiping more blood from his head.

"Yes, I'm fine. I think it's just a concussion." Danny said as he stood up, he stumbled a bit, but he got up. The group moved through the woods with Rhys silently leading the group, since he had night vision and could see through the darkness effortlessly. Soul was right, the full moon was high in the sky as they broke through the treeline and saw a large lake.

"Woah." Nerissa said in wonder, the cool blue color of the moonlight reflected on the lake and caused the clear water to dance in a hypnotic way. There was a lake house a few hundred feet to their left.

 There was a lake house a few hundred feet to their left

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"That's the place." Soul nodded to the lake house.

"That's it? That place is huge. Not exactly hidden." Danny said in idle disbelief.

"That's the idea, this place is way off the grid. I promise we will be safe here." Soul responded to him before she started walking towards it. Then Danny started following her, then Nate, then the rest.

Soul opened the door with a key that she had dug up from the dirt under a large rock next to the stairs of the porch. She pushed the door open with her shoulder and a small cloud of dust burst from the seal of the door. The group filed into the living room, there was a thick layer of dust coating all the surfaces. Nyx turned around when she heard Danny coughing slightly and saw he had his shirt pulled up to cover his mouth and nose.

"Asthma?" She asked him.

"Minor asthma, I don't like to talk about it very much." He responded after his small coughing fit.

"Don't worry, we can clean it up! Make it livable in here." Nerissa replied with a smile. The others couldn't tell, but Danny was softly smiling under his shirt. He couldn't exactly place why but he was starting to feel a strange connection with Nerissa, nothing romantic of course. He just felt safe around her, she healed him without a second thought. Now, she wanted to clean an entire lake house so Danny's asthma didn't flare up.

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