60: Can't Do Enough

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October 31st
8:07 pm
Outside the trap

"Nyx?!" Nate shouted as he scrambled to his feet and slammed his fists into the wall of shadow that separated him from the woman he loved most. The wall didn't even budge, he slammed his fists into it again with an angry grunt. It was then that Nate could hear Rhys shouting his name.

"Nate! Look around dude!" Rhys yelled in desperation. Nate followed his directions and slowly turned his head to look around. His face changed to horror as he saw the absolute massacre before him. Civilians being murdered indiscriminately by the Erebus Mafia, Nate saw that there was a large circle of Mafia grunts surrounding the entire festival grounds. They were just gunning down everyone as they tried to run away. "HEY!" Rhys shouted before he tackled Nate out of the way as a large ray of fiery hot energy shot past them and collided with the wall of shadow. It made the wall ripple slightly but other than that, it didn't take a scratch. Nate looked at the attacker and looked worried. It was The Phoenix from the compound, the fighter with flaming wings who fought against Jack.

"Hey, losers." Jessi said as she landed on the ground about ten feet away from them. "Care for a friendly sparring match?" She said confidently as she cracked her knuckles.

"Shit..." Nerissa said quietly as she stared down Jessi. "The one time I didn't bring water." She said even quieter. Nate cursed in Spanish under his breath, realizing he had no weapons either.

Then you stay back, stay with Soul and keep your eyes open. Soul, you try to open a door in that perimeter and get as many civilians out as you can with Nerissa's help. Keep her safe. Nerissa and Soul heard Nate speak calmly in their minds. Nerissa composed herself and looked at Soul, who was disturbingly calm. Soul returned her gaze before they both sprinted to the side to assist civilians.

"Aye! Not so fast!" Jessi shouted before she quickly brought her wing in front of her body, aiming for the two girls, but before she could swipe it in front of her Rhys' fist connected with the wing with incredible force. Jessi was sent sliding backwards a few feet before she lowered her wing to look at him. She smiled confidently when she saw Rhys' clenched fist smoking slightly and slightly burned. "Hurts, doesn't it?" She taunted him as her wings started burning brighter. Rhys chuckled softly until it morphed into a hearty laugh.

"Someone didn't do their homework." Rhys said as he lifted his hands and cracked his own knuckles, acting as if he didn't even feel the pain from his burned hand. "You should know, pain only makes me angry." Rhys said before he lunged forward with a growl and a manic grin on his face. Jessi tensed before she slammed her wings downward and launched into the air. She narrowly avoided Rhys swipe and soared into the air. Rhys growled as he stared up at her, she smiled down at him before she spun her body and a curved ray of fiery energy shot down towards Rhys. He quickly dived out of the way before yelling up at her. "Come on, pussy! Afraid to fight me for real?" Rhys yelled up as he held out his arms in a confident fashion.

"I am fighting you for real." Jessi said with a smile as she sent another ray of energy at him. Rhys quickly leaped up with his Gift enhanced legs and dodged the beam before he was in the air in front of Jessi and landed a sweeping kick into the center of her body. Jessi grunted as she was sent backwards, flapping her wings furiously to try and regain balance. She managed to find her center before crashing into the ground and Rhys landed back in the ground with a soft grunt.

"This is fighting me for real?" Rhys whistled quietly, "I thought you were supposed to be S Class." Rhys taunted as he stretched his arms and neck. Jessi growled in anger before she soared forward, she planted her feet on the ground and lunged forward with her outstretched hand. Her wing mimicked the motion and swiped at Rhys. He sidestepped the swipe, dodging it so closely that Rhys could feel the intense heat radiating off the wings. "I've fought you in that arena, remember? I know how you fight." Rhys taunted as he continued to dodge Jessi's attacks before Rhys' eyes widened in surprise. Jessi was low to the ground suddenly, pinned up on her wings as she tucked her legs close to her body. Soul happened to look over at the fight as she took down another Erebus foot soldier. Jessi kicked both of her legs into Rhys solar plexus and a memory flashed back into her mind. In the compound, watching Jack fight Jessi, it was a carbon copy of the attack Jack used to defeat Jessi. Soul growled in anger before she flicked her hand towards them and a shadow tendril snaked through the air. The tendril grabbed Jessi by the throat and yanked her backwards. Jessi was thrown around before she was slammed into Damien's cube of shadow, giving Rhys and Nate the moment they needed to recover before she went back to assist Nerissa. The impact caused a thunderous boom to sound through the sounds of civilians screaming.

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