50: Kingslayer

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"Did that monster do anything to you?" Danny asked Nyx as he walked alongside her and Nate. She tensed for a moment but gathered herself just as fast.

"Well, other than the hostage part, yeah. He lured Neri and I into a trap." Nyx lifted her shirt slightly to show the bandage around her stomach. "He stabbed me, the knife was coated with that Gift inhibiting drug so I couldn't fight back." Nate clenched his fists but didn't look at her, he said he would always protect her but he let her go wandering around the city and straight into a trap. He got complacent, he let her down.

"Here we are." Orion's voice broke Nate out of his thoughts as they all halted down the hall from Kuroi's office. The group exchanged a slightly worried look, Danny had been shot, Nyx had been stabbed twice and had no powers, Nerissa had no powers, and Orion was weakened from his fight with Ezekiel and only had two dragons left. They were at a severe disadvantage in this fight. "Here's what's going to happen, there's a good chance that Kuroi doesn't know about my defection yet. So I'll go in first and try to get him to lower his guard, then you guys rush him with everything you have. I'm counting on you." Orion looked at everyone with hard eyes, Nyx bit the inside of her lip. She had no idea if she would even be able to help in her current state, it hurt to walk because of her leg and any sudden movements caused great pain because of her abdomen. And to top it all off, she was powerless.

The group approached Kuroi's office silently before everyone but Orion stopped moving and got low to the ground. Orion nodded at them and turned towards the door before he opened it and stepped inside, he turned to his left and the group knew he was facing Kuroi.

"Master Kage, the threat...has been eliminated." Orion acted exhausted as he spoke, or maybe he wasn't acting. As they watched, Orion's demeanor seemed calm, but Danny saw him tense when Kuroi spoke.

"What about the girls?" Kuroi spoke in a flat tone. Nyx felt Nate's grip on her hand tighten slightly.

"The enemy failed to rescue them, they are still alive and secure." Orion spoke with a slightly shaking voice, the group exchanged a look.

Kuroi hesitated for a moment before speaking. "Good, bring them here so I can begin the recruitment process." A look of shock spread across the group's faces, Orion tensed at his words and seemed like he was frozen for a moment. His eyes shifted to his left at the group for a split second at the exact moment a vision crashed into Danny's mind. He heard Kuroi growl softly before saying "That's what I thought." And suddenly, a pin straight spike of shadow shot through Orion's heart. Danny was brought back to reality with wide eyes and he sprinted forward without thinking. Clutching his other handgun that he had taken from Damien, he heard Kuroi say his line, right on cue. Danny dived into the room, tackling Orion out of the way just before the spike stabbed through him. So close in fact, that the spike sliced through the side of Orion's arm instead. Danny rolled over his body and brought the handgun up on one swift motion and fired. The group ran forward and into the room and saw Kuroi retracting a tendril he had used to block the bullet.

Kuroi's head turned slightly to see all of Sanctuary's agents staring back at him. "Well, Orion. It seems as though you have become a traitor." Kuroi started as he looked back to Orion as he was starting to stand up. He was clutching his bleeding arm where the spike had sliced him. "A pity. I actually had high hopes for you, oh well.. " Kuroi paused as he reached into his pocket and pulled out a smartphone, the screen had a large button on it. Above the button was Orion's name, Orion's eyes widened in fear before Kuroi spoke again, "I'll do better next time." He said with a smile before he pushed the button. Danny's head whipped to Orion as he wailed in agony and fell to the ground.

"Orion! What's wrong?!" Danny shouted as he kneeled down next to him, shouting loudly so Orion could hear him over his own pained wails. Danny gasped softly when he saw reddish black splotches appearing on Orion's skin. Danny looked over at Kuroi, "What are you doing to him?!" He yelled in anger.

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