92: Untouchable

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^^***Danny concept art included***^^

Elizabeth tapped her forefinger against her desk rhythmically as she stared off into nothing. The large screen of light was manifested in front of her, coated with overlapping feeds from different cameras all over the city. She watched as multiple teams of agents saved as many civilians as they possibly could, although she recoiled at many instances where a team had no choice but to terminate a few mind controlled civilians. For the past hour and a half, she had no sight of the agents she'd sent on specialized missions, Danny's team and Nyx's team. She also hadn't seen any sign of Kyle for a while, not even a call in. Are these kids trying to make me sick with worry? She thought to herself as she closed her eyes with a soft sigh. It was then that her mind began to wander as a form of subconscious distraction. It brought her back to a time when she had to make a difficult decision for what she thought was right.

When she was just an agent at Sanctuary.

25 years ago

Elizabeth walked down the hall of Sanctuary towards her dorm room from the gym with a towel slung over her shoulder. She had just finished her workout for the day and desperately wanted to lie down. Elizabeth entered her dorm room and flopped onto her bed, where she laid for about 5 minutes before she heard a knock on her door. Elizabeth groaned quietly before she pulled herself out of bed and opened her door. It was her friend, Mia.

"What." Elizabeth grumbled in a tired tone.

"Nice." Mia said through a chuckle as she entered the room without permission, as was normal for them. "I just came by to ask if you heard the news." She said quieter as she plopped down onto Elizabeth's bed.

"No? Why, what's going on?" Elizabeth asked as she shut her door and moved over to sit next to Mia on the bed.

Mia shifted a bit before answering and it already put Elizabeth on edge. "Isaac was sent on an S Class mission." She finally said as she averted her eyes and Elizabeth tensed.

"What? Isaac is only A Class! Why the fuck would Blackwood send him on an S Class mission?!" Elizabeth exclaimed as she stood up quickly, causing Mia to flinch a bit.

"I don't know but The Chairman insisted, I wanted to tell you so you aren't surprised...if he doesn't come back." Mia said in a slightly somber tone before Elizabeth's eyes widened.

"Oh hell no, he's coming back, because you and I are going to Blackwood's office to tell him he's insane." Elizabeth said slightly angrily and Mia's face shifted to concern.

"I don't know, Liz. Blackwood kinda scares me." Mia said uncomfortably as she fidgeted with her fingers.

"Come on, Mia, I need you! Because regardless of what he says, I'm going, and if Isaac is hurt when I get there I'm going to need you, please?" Elizabeth begged as she kneeled in front of Mia and held her hands. Mia stared back for a moment in thought before she sighed.

"Fine. Let's go." Mia said quietly before she stood up with Elizabeth and they both ran out of the room towards the Chairman's office. "What are you even gunna say when we get there?" Mia asked after a minute of walking.

"I...don't know honestly, I guess I'll figure it out in the moment." Elizabeth responded before she flung open the door to Richard Blackwood's office. He was at his desk and his head whipped up when the two girls entered suddenly. He stood up and placed his hands against his desk as the girls approached closer.

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