55: Waves

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^^**Orion concept art included**^^

Prominent footsteps cut through the still air in the lowest level of the Erebus Dungeon. The footsteps of the Devil himself, Damien Erebus. He slowly walked down the hall of the dungeon with his hands behind his back and a look of subtle irritation on his face. He had two other men following behind him, and it seemed like Damien's presence had shifted. He was always insane and frightening, of course. But now, Damien appeared to be calmer, but still fueled and driven by pure rage and vendetta. He craved vengeance for his father's death.

Damien stopped walking when he reached a cell and he turned to face the prisoner inside. "Well, you're in luck. I have a proposition for you, a chance to earn your freedom." Damien spoke coldly at the man in the cell. He was bruised, bloody and had many small puncture wounds on both his arms. His dark hair was messy and hanging in his face, but it was still him. Zachariah.

He lifted his head slowly to look at Damien with disgust in his eyes. "What do you want?" He said slowly, clearly exhausted from being locked away from everyone who knew could help him for so long. Damien looked down at him through the bars with a dark grin.

"To use that devious little mind of yours, what else?" Damien responded coyly. Zachariah chuckled softly before he smirked slightly.

"Well, lucky for you, I have a lot of connections."


"Nyx...I gotta tell you something." Oliver started in the hallway of Sanctuary's dormitories. "There's a very good reason that I've been avoiding you, but frankly, I don't want to stay quiet anymore." He stepped forward and his gaze hardened on Nyx. "My dad's name is Maxwell Grey."

Nyx's eyes jolted open as a gasp escaped her lips. Her mother wouldn't give her much information about her father, all she ever got was his name. And that was it. "W-what?" Nyx stuttered out barely above a whisper. Nate leaned down slightly and placed a hand on her upper back, letting her know that he was there. Even though he was shocked himself.

"Your mom didn't want me to tell you, but...after what happened, I can't keep it quiet anymore. Our dad had two kids with two different women before he was killed in a public attack by the Erebus Mafia. Your mom also said that he was ungifted." Oliver rubbed the back of his head as he held an uncomfortable posture. Nyx was speechless, her mouth hung open slightly as she struggled to find her words.

"I...have a brother?" Nyx finally choked out as a small smile found its way to her lips. Oliver looked down as a small smirk graced his lips as well. Nate looked between them and gently nudged Nyx's back towards him. Nyx stepped forward and hugged Oliver tightly. Oliver held his arms away from his body for a moment before he hesitantly hugged her back.

"I have...a little sister." Oliver whispered as he hugged Nyx warmly. Nate stepped back and watched the two with a smile on his face. He was happy that Nyx could finally feel a sudden and unconditional connection with someone. He was happy that Nyx could rely on someone other than him...just in case. Oliver backed away from Nyx a bit so he could talk. "I'm uh...I'm sorry that I switched partners...but I wanna switch back, if you want." He said with a slightly embarrassed tone for the way he acted.

Nyx playfully punched his shoulder, but hard enough to jolt him back a bit. "Of course, you idiot." She said with a small restrained smile. Oliver smirked back before his eyes darted slightly between the two in front of him, and his smirk got wider.

"Also, since Nyx is my little sister, and I've always wanted to say this. If you hurt my sister, I'll kill you." Oliver said playfully as he leaned towards Nate. Nate smiled as he shoved a hand into his pocket.

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