70: Trailblazer

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"Tell me everything you know about the Gifted killer known as Z." Nate ordered as he glared into the stranger's eyes. Danny bent down to pick up his katana and held it in his hand, just in case. The man shook for a moment before he responded.

"He is only known as Z, and he has no loyalty. He will take jobs from anyone, but he won't kill unless he is given a proper contract. The only time he is seen here is around or inside the pub around the corner." The man spoke as he looked forward with a blank stare. For a fleeting moment, Nate swore he heard a voice. It was a voice he immediately recognized, Nyx's voice. Kill him. Nate narrowed his eyes slightly as he pulled out his knife and held it at the man's throat. He stared for a moment before his eyes looked to his side.

"You're not going to stop me?" Nate uttered quietly as he turned his head to look at his friends.

"Why would I? This garbage can doesn't mean shit to me. Do whatever you want." Kyle responded in a slightly cold tone. He was standing next to Nate with a loose posture.

Orion spoke up, "I've killed 19 people, so this won't really bother me that much. This guy seems like he has done some pretty bad things."

Nate looked at Danny and Rhys, they both looked back with a hard stare. Nate knew that they wouldn't say anything to stop him, not because of their own feelings, but because they knew that Nate needed this. Nate turned his attention back to the stranger and thought for a moment. He thought about how angry he was, how hurt he was, how empty. His eyes narrowed as he thought about what Nyx's voice had told him to do. Blindly killing a stranger here and now, that's exactly what Nyx did. It pained him to admit, but he knew that those actions are exactly what got her killed. But it was your fault. Nate shook his head slightly to clear his mind of her voice. He focused back to the situation at hand and how he wanted to make just Z suffer for what he had taken from him. He was surprised to find that he was asking himself if he really wanted to kill this man. He didn't work for Z, he didn't really associate with him at all, or else he would've said so while under the influence of Nate's Gift. He was just some lowlife that tried to mug him and his friends. Nate sighed, he didn't want this to turn into that night all over again.

"Go to sleep." Nate ordered in an empty tone as he slid his knife back into its holster. The man's eyes fluttered shut and he fell to the ground. "Let's go." He said as he turned and continued down the alley to look for the pub he mentioned. Kyle continued staring at the now sleeping man with a disgusted look before he finally caught up to the group. The saw the entrance to the pub and Nate began stepping forward. He stopped when he felt a hand on his shoulder. He turned around and saw Danny looking at him from under his hood.

"Let me go first, in case he's expecting us." Danny whispered before he walked in front of him. As Danny reached for the door, he and his friends were jolted from behind as someone pushed through them.

"Excuse me." A quiet voice piped up as a small figure pushed through them. The group parted to allow them to pass, it was a skinny man who was short as well. He had black hair that hung over his face slightly. He was wrapped in black tight clothing and his pants were ripped near the ankles, he was also barefoot. When the boy passed Nate, they locked eyes for a split second and Nate tensed slightly. His eyes were yellow and shimmering faintly with a piercing gaze that caused Nate to stiffen. When he walked inside the pub, the group immediately noticed footprints that had formed in the random boys stride. They were black prints that seemed to radiate faint wisps of darkness.

"Gifted..." Orion uttered softly as he watched the pub door close. Things had just changed, there was a new Gifted in the mix and they had no idea what he was capable of.

"Now hang on." Danny started, catching everyone's attention. "There is a chance that he is here for the right reasons, like we are." Danny tried to be the voice of reason like always.

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