96: Unravel

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The thunderous boom of Orion's massive dragon shook the ground as it took a few steps towards Kala and Rudi. The dragons massive wings opened swiftly, sending a harsh gust of wind in front of it as a gutteral growl reverberated through the woods. Nyx and Nerissa watched in awe after Nerissa had healed Nyx's leg wound. The dragon was snapping and attempting to stomp on Rudi and Kala as they tried to avoid and counter attack.

"How...how long has he been able to do that?" Nerissa asked quietly with her voice shaking slightly from the sheer sight of the dragon in front of her. Even though it wasn't looking at her, she felt like it could see her.

"This is actually the first time he's ever summoned it. In case you hadn't noticed, his Gift was altered. You can thank Soul's friend, Eve, for that." Nyx responded with a tired tone as she slumped and rested against the tree she had previously slammed into. Nerissa looked back over at the dragon, the name Eve sounded familiar. She recalled Soul mentioning her when they were in the compound, before they met Nyx. Nerissa was jolted out of her thoughts when he heard Nate's voice call out Nyx's name.

"Nyx!" He said urgently as he kneeled down next to her. "Are you alright, Hermosa?" He asked sweetly as he ran his hand through her slightly frizzy hair. Nerissa felt a small upward curl to her lips before she shoved it back down.

Nyx huffed with a small smile. "Are you?" She flipped the question on Nate before her face turned suddenly serious, and so did Nate's, he already knew what she was about to ask. "Nate...what happened down there?"

He tensed at her question anyway before a soft sigh left him and his eyes closed. Nerissa tensed at the question as well before Nate opened his eyes and they were already looking at Nerissa. "Uhm..." He mumbled quietly before Nerissa suddenly took the torch and spoke up.

"Azriel wanted me to kill him." She admitted with heavy guilt in her tone. Nyx's head whipped to Nerissa with a shocked look before Nerissa continued. "He knew what Nate had said to me that made me run away, he tried to get me to kill him as a form of revenge but..." Nerissa's eyes looked at Nate again. "I couldn't do it. I couldn't hurt you like that, Nyx...even if I thought you were still dead. So, I helped him escape, I had to make it look good for Azriel though, that's what his shoulder wound was from...that was me." She said as she looked at Nyx. She stared back for a moment before smiling warmly and pulling Nerissa into a tight hug. Nerissa stared over Nyx's shoulder for a moment before returning the hug and closing her eyes.

"Thank you so much, Nerissa. I don't know how I could ever repay you for that." Nyx mumbled through a slightly raspy voice. Nate watched them with a soft smile on his face. He also didn't know how he could ever thank Nerissa for what she did, but he would sure as hell try.

The three of them were shook from their moment when they heard the dragon roar again, this time, the dragon had blue flames licking its skin in various spots. It was similar to Orion's light blue glow, but it was proper flames as the dragon lifted its head and its eyes glowed brighter. It let out a rumbling roar as a plume of light blue flame at Rudi, he tried to dodge the flame but the dragon quickly adjusted its aim and the flame collided with Rudi. He let out a roar of pain and the scent of burning hair and flesh filled the air, along with the sound of Kala's scream of horror at the sight. Everyone watched with a mirrored look of horror on their faces, they knew, of course, that Orion used to be an assassin and he had done some bad things, but this was...

Orion dropped down from his perch behind the dragons head with a soft grunt as Kala dropped to her knees. She was staring at Rudi's singed form as Orion stepped towards her with a completely blank expression, his dragon stood behind him in a sort of dormant state. "I tried to warn you." He said blankly, causing Kala to look up at him in fear. "You're still just a child, so I'll offer you the courtesy of one final warning. If you continue to hurt my family, you will end up much like him." Orion said coldly before he lifted his hand to gesture at Rudi, while his eyes stayed glued to her. The rest of Sanctuary's agents stared at the situation with a mixture of emotions. Orion wasn't normally so ruthless and cold like this, and it honestly made a few of them slightly worried.

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