56: Catharsis

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October 28th, 2020
3 days until Halloween.

Damien walked down the wooden boardwalk in the estates garden. One of his hands was resting in his pocket and his gaze was a thousand miles away. As much as Damien was furious about his father being killed in such a way, he was confused to find that he was also...relieved. He alone was now running the Erebus Mafia at the young age of 20 years old. He could mold this organization into something that society could truly fear. Damien gritted his teeth slightly as his mind reminded him of the same question that would come back every now and then. Why did she abandon her family? It was a question that had plagued his mind for a long time. Damien could never imagine leaving his family behind. He belongs here, in the darkness and far from the society that would demonize and snuff him out. He knew that those who are weak should be snuffed out, his father taught him that lesson from a very young age. Damien's mind started playing with him in the form of his late father's voice, calling him weak, undisciplined, unworthy. Damien remembered being trained by his father, who would almost never hold back. He wouldn't stop until Damien psychically couldn't move anymore from the beating, calling him weak and saying he was unworthy of the Erebus name. Damien would prove him wrong, he would become a name that everyone knew and feared.

Damien entered the manor again through a different door, bound for his late father's office, which was technically his now. He opened the door before lifting his head and his eyes widened slightly. There was a woman standing next to the grand window behind the desk. She was tall and slender, a waterfall of crimson hair cascading down her back before she turned around upon hearing someone enter. The woman looked at Damien with a look of shock, seeing his sunken eyes and ghostly pale skin. After her initial shock had faded, her eyes softened and she spoke. "Hello, my son."

"Mother." Damien responded in a stiff tone as he walked forward. "I trust your trip went well." His tone was all business, his mother's eyes softened on him.

"Yes, it was wonderful to see family again, but Damien? Where is your father?" She asked him quizzically, Damien clenched his teeth before he responded.

"He was killed by the organization Sanctuary's newest weakling lapdogs. Don't worry, I plan on getting vengeance for him." Damien stood up straight as he spoke, his mother straightened her posture and inhaled deeply. It seemed like she was pretending to hide emotional pain that didn't exist.

"I see." She began as she brought her hands behind her. She approached her son and looked at him. "You know Damien, you're looking pale...are you sick?" She reached forward and placed the back of her hand against his forehead.

He gently swatted her hand away, "No, I'm not sick. One of those lapdogs I mentioned killed me. Father brought me back from the grave because I still have work to do." Damien said coldly. His mother opened her eyes wide as she looked at her son with a sympathetic look, a look that Damien hated.

"Oh, my son..." She uttered softly. "What your father has turned you into is not right..." She started walking away from him with a somber look.

"My father turned me into a fighter, he made me strong." Damien's words caused his mother to stop walking. She looked back at him with a look that only a mother can give.

She hummed gently, "Damien, you were strong from the moment you were born..." Damien's eyes opened just a little wider. "And as for these lapdogs...they managed to eliminate Kuroi and you. That doesn't sound very weak to me." She finished before she turned and walked out of the room. Damien watched her leave with a look of deep thought on his face. Those thoughts stayed with him for a while after that. Damien walked over to the grand window and gazed out of it. Not long after that, he heard a knock on his door.

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