95: Supernova

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^^^***Orion concept art included***^^^

"He's in there?" Rhys clarified what Jaya had said as he looked at the large steel door on the far end of the room.

"That's right. I'm fairly sure that even Willow doesn't know what's in Azriel's Sanctum. I've obviously never been there myself, so I can't say." Jaya responded quietly as they all started approaching the door. "There's just one problem. It's wired to a lock that requires a passphrase, and only Azriel knows it." Jaya said as they all got to the door and stopped.

Jaya turned around when he heard Danny scoff quietly, he stepped to the side as Danny was cracking his fingers in front of him. "Not for long." He said with a small smile before he placed his hand against the console. His eyes started shimmering silver as his mind searched for the proper passphrase. After a few seconds of silence, there was a soft and high pitched voice that rang out through the large room.

"Look, Rudi, look!" A young girl with long green hair yelled out slightly excitedly as she clutched the hand of a larger man. He had brown hair and was wearing a black suit jacket over a dark green shirt. He was also wearing a stoic and passive face as he raised his head away from the little girl and looked up towards the rest of them. "That's her, right?" Kala asked the tall man excitedly as she pointed right at Nyx.

Rudi huffed a bit, "That's right, Kala. That's Infinity." He said evenly as his gaze landed on Nyx and stayed. Nyx felt her body stiffen as Danny, Kyle, Orion, and Nate moved in between Nyx and the strange duo in front of them. Each of them stared back with a stern gaze before Kala's hand dropped from Rudi's and she skipped forward a few steps. Nerissa watched the situation with a blank face, but a slightly nervous curl to her lips. She remembered the vacant and empty look in Kala's eyes when she met her, this was not how Nerissa expected her to act at all.

"She's supposed to be dead, ya know! It's not exactly polite to get people's hopes up like that and then just come back!" Kala said in a slightly pouty tone and Nyx tensed again. This girl looked like she was maybe thirteen years old, and she was saying it wasn't polite for Nyx to be alive?

"Well too bad, brat. You don't always get what you want." Kyle shot back with a small smile on his face. Kala's face shifted, her eyes seemed to darken and her brow bent downward, but there was a smile on her face.

"Wrong! Papa always makes sure I get whatever I want! And I want to kill Infinity!" Kala said before she leaped backwards and planted her feet onto Rudi's hand. He pulled his arm back and threw Kala towards them with insane speed, Nyx's eyes widened and she made a split second decision. At the speed Kala was moving, Nyx knew that she was the only one who could take the hit without getting hurt.

"Move!" Nyx yelled before she motioned with her hands as if she was aggressively opening curtains and the four guys in front of her were sent out of the way. A dark violet hue surrounded Nyx as she brought her arms in front of her, Kala spun her body and sent both of her feet into Nyx's arms. Nyx was disturbingly surprised when they were both sent backwards before crashing into the cement wall with a thunderous boom. Everyone was disturbingly surprised as a matter of fact.

"Nyx!" Nate yelled out in concern before Kala flew back out through the cloud of dust left behind. She landed on her hands before nimbly flipping back onto feet with a giggle. Nyx emerged from the cloud, her hair wild, but otherwise uninjured.

"What the fuck?" Nyx said in angry confusion as she stared at Kala.

Kala giggled, "You wanna know what I can do?" Kala said as she bent her knees like she was about to jump. When she did, she soared into the air way higher than any normal person would be able to. She planted her hands onto the tall ceiling before shoving off it, she left a crater on the ceiling and a gasp left Nyx. She leaped out of the way before Kala landed where she was standing, creating another crater. Everyone stared at her with wide eyes, it seemed like they were all thinking the same thing.

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