Chapter 53 Mr. Lin bought a villa

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Mr. Lin became busy again.

Han Qiyu raised his eyes and yawned at Lin Yinquan, who had just returned in the middle of the night. He slowly sat up and got out of bed and walked over to support him. He smelled the smell of alcohol on his body and wrinkled his nose.

"You sit on the bed for a while, and I'll get you a glass of water."

Han Qiyu put it on the bed, and after seeing him finishing it, he quickly went to bring a glass of warm water, "Drink a little water."

Sobering up tea is just fine . Don't think about it, after all, he wouldn't.

Lin Yinquan's eyes were a little confused, but he still retained the last trace of reason. Although his movements were slightly shaky, he still had self-control. After taking a drink of water, he spoke, and his words were still clear and coherent, "Tao Weiwei." I'm a little dizzy. I drank a lot today. I'll rest for a while while the baby puts some water in the bathtub."


Han Qiyu went to the bathroom and put some water in it. He came out and looked at the man leaning on the bed with his eyes closed. A little tired.

He went in again and wetted a towel, took it out and put it on his face and wiped it gently. Lin Yinquan opened his eyes and grabbed his hand, with a smile on his lips, "I can move to the villa next month. ."

Han Qiyu hummed, but his face was not very happy.

Lin Yinquan pulled him and wanted to kiss him, but Han Qiyu dodged for a moment, allowing him to kiss his mouth instead of his face.

"Don't kiss me. I smell of alcohol. It smells terrible. I'll help you go to the bathroom and take a shower first."

Lin Yinquan felt a little aggrieved when he heard his words, "Baby, how can you dislike me?"

"How can I not dislike me?" You, stand up quickly and I'll help you."

Han Qiyu frowned when he saw his dazed look. He tried his best to let him put all his strength on himself, take off his clothes and take them. He used the shower head to hit the head of the person in the bathtub.

This is the first time that Young Master Han has served others.

Lin Yinquan looked at him and the smile on his lips never stopped.

After washing, Han Qiyu felt that he was more energetic.

He kept moving and threw him a bath towel and asked him to go out on his own.

Lin Yinquan pursed his lips, "My baby hasn't had a full set for a week, am I so unattractive?"

"Get up quickly and blow dry your hair. You have to get up at 8 o'clock tomorrow. How can you go to the company to make money if you have a headache?"

Han Qiyu looked down at him, looking at him condescendingly.

Lin Yinquan grabbed his hand and got out of the bathtub. He wrapped himself in a bath towel and brushed his teeth. Han Qiyu took the hair dryer to the bed and plugged it in. When he came over, he knelt down by the bed and blew it gently for him.

Lin Yinquan felt that he was treated like an emperor today.

Not only was she being served and bathed, my hair was also dried.

What a love!

Lin Yinquan's eyes were always glued to Han Qiyu, and the smile on his lips never stopped following his movements.

Han Qiyu couldn't ignore the scorching gaze even if he wanted to. When he saw the half-dried hair, he simply put the hair dryer into his hand, "I think you are no different from a normal person now. You can blow it yourself."

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