Chapter 20: Yanjian Group

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waited for about a minute, and Han Qiyu was speechless...

because the other party really just called him.

Little did he know that Lin Yinquan's expression was full of forbearance and restraint as he looked at him condescendingly at the young man whose eyes he covered with his hands.

Looking at him with his head raised, his beautiful eyes that are easy to sink into are covered by his hands, and the curve of his handsome face is raised as if he is sacrificing himself.

For a moment, Lin Yinquan almost couldn't help but wanted to kiss her, to taste whether those beautiful lips were as soft as they looked, and whether they were sweet.

Reason prevented him from lowering his head and kissing her.

The person in my arms is still young and has just stepped out of school and is immature. It is easy to misunderstand the dependence on others' care as affection. This is not true love, and you cannot mislead him.

As time goes by, and he gets to know himself better, and if he has a good impression of himself, he can start with a formal confession and pursuit.

Liking requires restraint and respect.

Lin Yinquan tried his best to relax and behave as usual, put away his emotions, loosened his hand covering the young man, looked at his eyes, and said with a gentle smile: "Okay, I won't make trouble with you anymore, let's continue watching the movie."

Han Qiyu: "..."

My family is so speechless, who understands! ! !

Young Master Han smiled lightly, then sat down and found a more comfortable way to lean on him, and turned his attention to the screen. Lin Yinquan looked calm and just stared at the young man leaning on him, with a very expression in his eyes. gentle.

When he went to bed at night, Han Qiyu pulled Lin Yinquan's arm on the pillow again willfully. He told him to let go of his arm, but he let him pull him indulgently without even struggling.

Han Qiyu always felt that his sleeping position was good, until he woke up in the middle of the night and found that he had rolled into Lin Yinquan's arms again, his hands still staying in the same place.

I felt guilty for a second.

This hand can really find its own position. Why didn't he realize that he had this problem before?

Could it be because Zhao Zhao was the only person who slept with him in the past?

Young Master Han replaced the person next to him with Zhao Zhao. After thinking about this move for a moment, he shuddered with coldness.

That was truly the disaster of the century.

Zhao Zhao, who was at work, suddenly sneezed.

Who missed him?

Han Qiyu retracted his hand and brushed it over his abdominal muscles, then he huddled his back honestly into Mr. Lin's arms, took his hand and put it on his waist. He moved his eyes around the dark room and closed them again. .

Many images of ghosts appearing in rooms appeared in his mind, and he touched Lin Yinquan's arm to find courage.

In the past, Young Master Han would have turned on the light and slept.

I thought it would be difficult for me to fall asleep, but I didn't expect that Han Qiyu fell asleep again within a few minutes.

When he woke up in the morning, Han Qiyu yawned, sat in a wheelchair and came to the balcony to look at the drizzle outside.

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