Chapter 22

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Han Qiyu said speechlessly: "Your leg was just broken. I only had a slight bone fracture. Don't curse me."

"Oh, who gave you the fracture?" Bai Xixi pulled up the chair next to her and sat down. Holding her chin and staring at him, she moved her face closer with curiosity, "Did they beat you up?"

"Did they beat me up?" Han Qiyu said in a very disdainful tone, and stretched out his hand to naturally touch Bai Xixi's little girl who was close to him. Face pushed away.

"Stay away from me. No one hit me. I was injured accidentally."

"I don't believe it."

Looking at the familiar tone and movements of the two of them, Lin Yinquan still had a slight smile on his face, but the look in his eyes became darker. .

The hand holding the pen is a little white.

Bai Xixi looked at the man next to her, poked Han Qiyu, and asked him to introduce him.

Han Qiyu smiled and said: "Brother, let me introduce to you. This is my friend Bai Xixi. Bai Xixi, just call him Brother Lin. I live with him now."


Bai Xixi looked at him and made a small movement with her eyes.

How come I haven't heard of your brother from there? Is he a relative from your biological parents?

Han Qiyu did not explain to her, but introduced the two of them with a smile.

Bai Xixi smiled brightly and stretched out her hand, "Hello, Brother Lin, my name is Bai Xixi. Please take care of me in the future."

"Hello, my name is Lin Yinquan."

Lin Yinquan politely stretched out his hand to shake her briefly, then retracted his hand and looked away. He turned to Han Qiyu and moved quietly to his side, "Xiaoyu, see if this is what you want."

He picked up the tablet and handed it to him, asking him to evaluate and point out the drawn picture.

Han Qiyu took a closer look and said, "Brother, please make the bangs of this doll a little more messy. Don't make it too close to the face, otherwise it will appear too well-behaved. Make this doll look naughty."

Lin Yinquan took a pen and made changes . After a few minutes, he handed it over and said, "Is it like this?"

"Yes, that's it. Brother Lin, take a look at what kind of doll you want. We will make it together in a while." After saying that, Han Qiyu looked up and looked again. Xiang Bai Xixi said, "Why don't you make a doll? Why don't you ask me? I have a great master."

After saying that, he picked up the tablet and handed it to her with a show-off expression on his face, "See, this is my doll."

"Wow, so cute! I want Han Qiyu too, and you can design one for me."

"Okay, you'll pay the bill later."

"Okay, I've got it all."

"What do you want?"

"Can you draw it ? One of my wontons? "

Wonton is the cat raised by Bai Xixi's brother, a beautiful Sanhua.

"Brother~" Han Qiyu handed the tablet to Lin Yinquan and looked at him, "It's all up to you."

Lin Yinquan took the tablet and said, "What does it look like?"

"Brown eyes, yellow, white and black. The skin is a calico cat, can you let the cat stand?"

Bai Xixi rolled her eyes at Han Qiyu for being too lazy to finish painting, and secretly kicked him under the table.

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