116 Bunny Bella - Bella's POV

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I skip after my mates to the science classroom but when I get to the door, Ms Bell steps in my way, blocking me from going inside. ''Bella, take those bunny ears off,'' Ms Bell demands.

''But it's for Easter, miss,'' I say with a winsome smile in the hopes of easing her hard demeanour. ''It's just a cute headband, really.''

''It is against the dress code,'' she declares.

I know that, but all the other teachers have let me keep my ears on. ''But–'' I start.

She shushes me. ''You either take the silly ears off or go to Mr Hollingworth,'' she says brusquely.

''Please, miss,'' I plead, holding onto the soft ears. ''It brings joy! Nobody in class will be bothered by them!''

''It is against the dress code,'' she repeats herself, stubbornness emanating from her. ''Make your choice, Bella. Are you going to be a mature student or a silly child who should've been dropped off at Nursery?''

Her scathing tone makes my jaw drop. ''Since when do you care about the dress code, miss? You look like a chavvy bimbo wearing an excessively tight suit!'' I exclaim cattily.

Within the blink of an eye, the classroom door slams shut in my face. Bloody witch!

I guess it means I'm not attending my Tuesday science class. Again. I was kicked out last Tuesday, too.

Sighing, I browse the peopleless corridor. I can't be arsed to walk up all the stairs to find Mr Hollingworth and be isolated because Ms Bell is a boring bunny-hating witch. I squint my eyes to read the clock at the end of the corridor, contemplating if I should leave school early this afternoon.


I decided to head out of school early, my first stop being the bridal boutique. The shop is quite calm when I stroll in. Lucy sits by the counter alone, reviewing something on the computer, whilst her colleague assists a small group of ladies further into the shop. They don't notice me, but Lucy does, and I beam at her.

''Bella, we've talked about this. You can't hang out here,'' Lucy tells me hushedly as I walk up to her.

I lean over the counter to whisper, ''Where's Debbie?''

''Upstairs in her office,'' she replies, giving me hope.

Listen to this: Debbie took over the retired manager's position after New Year's. Can you believe it? Because I can't believe a witch like her can be a manager. Witches shouldn't be in charge. But there's a good part about it; when she sits in her office upstairs, she can't tell who's downstairs. Also! It was the last manager who told me not to hang out here. Debbie has never told me not to loiter here as a manager, not yet at least.

''She doesn't know I'm here then,'' I giggle.

''She will be down shortly,'' she warns. ''Why aren't you in school?''

''Ms Bell said I wasn't allowed to attend class with my bunny ears.'' I shake my head to draw her interest to my ears. ''Even though all the other teachers let me.''

''Those are adorable,'' she says. ''I don't think you should've left school, though.''

''She didn't tell me to do anything else. She literally slammed the door in my face." I bend the truth a little as I explain my situation, but it does no harm, does it? "That's rude, innit?''

''Yeah,'' she exhales, refocusing on the computer screen. ''You can't loiter here. I can come over to yours when I get off work but that will be in 3 hours.''

My egg deliveries won't take that long, and I will have to wait alone for an eternity. I huff, thinking about how bored I will be. "...Well, I came here to give you this.'' I dip into my bag to pull out the pink easter egg I prepared and reach over the counter to hand it to her. ''Here you go, Lucy love.''

The sweets inside rustle as she gently turns and twists the egg in her hands to check the pastel stickers, with chickens and rabbits, I stuck to the egg. She looks up at me and coos, ''Aww, thank you, Bells,'' and smiles.

I smile back for a second. She quickly loses my attention when I notice Michael, coming down the stairs. I can only see his head behind the shelf, but I can tell he is pleased.

''Have you been up there fucking like rabbits?'' I pipe up, seizing his attention immediately.

He shushes me, trying to stifle the laugh my cheeky question roused. ''Nice ears, Bella! What are you doing here?'' he asks quietly as he approaches the counter.

''Thanks!'' I smile, swaying my head. ''I just stopped by to give Lucy an easter egg.''

''Do you have one for Debs?'' he asks, walking past us to the door.

''No, you only get an easter egg if you've been good,'' I say. ''It's like Christmas. You don't get pressies if you've been naughty.''

''I would sneak out then.'' He beckons me, holding the entrance open.

Lucy gestures to me to go with him, murmuring, "I will see you later, Bella babes."

I groan, ''Fine,'' and spin around to steer out. ''Michael!'' I exclaim, leaping out on the cobbled street. He turns around, nodding at me. ''Do you know what Mr Hollingworth put in the easter egg he gave me?''

''No, I didn't know he handed out eggs.''

''He asked me and Aiden to stay after class, and he gave us an egg each with stuff we lost at school,'' I tell him, a little bit disappointed. Actually, I'm more than a little bit disappointed, but what should I expect from him?

He chuckles, ''That's clever. He did the same with your Christmas gifts.''

''I think it's boring because you expect your egg to be filled with chocolate, but Aiden was happy to have found his left earbud,'' I say bluntly. "Anyway, I'm going to the library to give Alexander an egg now!'' I veer and bustle down the street, shouting, ''Byeeee!''

2 | Defiance Discipline Dream Repeatजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें